More newbe questions

ok, for a start, hi all!

passed my theory a couple of weeks ago, just waiting for a date to do my c, then it’s on to the c+e (after cpc course).

just after any tips anyone can give really, Rog; read a lot of yours (and others)and they’re all gonna be a great help especially when I get to the artic’s.

Anyway, got a health related question which, obviously, I didn’t want to ask the doc when I had my medical;

I’m currently a driver for a local engineering firm which involves a lot of drives to london, I’ve noticed if I drive for more than about eight or nine hours my chest hurts right at the bottom on the one side like my stomach’s digging into it. I think if I could lean the seat back further (can’t because it’s a transit pick-up and there’s a panel behind it) the problem would go away but is it normal or do you think I should be concerned? I’m not over weight at all, possibly the opposite. Just worried it’s going to be a problem when I’m driving full time.

Sorry about the essay, any advice would be much appreciated.

Can you take a picture of the seat and show it to a physio?

OH, and welcome to the site :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hi darkseeker, WELCOME :grimacing:

(after cpc course).

Is everybody else thinking what I’m thinking :question:
There’s no requirement for an employed driver to have any CPC at the moment.
Which CPC is it. :question:

Anyway, got a health related question which, obviously, I didn’t want to ask the doc when I had my medical;

Please have a read of CLICK THISto see why IMHO that’s not the best of ideas. :frowning:

I’ve noticed if I drive for more than about eight or nine hours my chest hurts right at the bottom on the one side like my stomach’s digging into it.

:open_mouth: From my own experience of leaving things, please take a tip and ask the doctor to check it out. :open_mouth:

Sorry about the essay, any advice would be much appreciated.

:smiley: I hope I’ve helped. :grimacing:

I thinking the same forget the cpc unless you wantin to be an operator. You qualify for the driver cpc when you pass your c

Welcome to TruckNet darkseeker.

I agree with dieseldave you should see your doctor if only for your own piece of mind, it’s likely to be nothing serious but best make sure :wink:

lol got the cpc notes on my desk, wanted to go down that route and its about 3 inches thick lol

lol got the cpc notes on my desk, wanted to go down that route and its about 3 inches thick lol

Hi DABenji, just a little tip mate…
I’d advise you to be careful with CPC notes, because they are only ever a snapshot of the Regs at the time the notes were issued. If you’re lucky, they might stay the same for a couple of exams, but please check you’re using current notes, if you’re studying for the exam. :wink:


(after cpc course).

Is everybody else thinking what I’m thinking :question:

clearstone :question: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :question:

Forget the CPC unless it’s something you think you’re going to need!

This is not a criticism of you darkseeker, but there are far too many newbies who feel the need to start a collection of certificates, including for instance ADR’s that they’ll never use (that have to be refreshed anyway!)

When these same newbies get to any job that actually requires these certificates, the vast majority of the time the companies they start with, want them to do things their way , including going on even more courses!

CPC’s (and sometimes european CPC’s if that’s the work being done) are a legal requirement for haulage firms and owner drivers.
Unless you’re going to set up as an owner driver etc - you are wasting your money!

Too many newbies (and even experienced drivers) it seems get aroused shall we say, at the thought of having loads of of certificates to their name!

Darkseeker, get experience of the job first - especially Class One work - and everything that comes with it, especially the actual driving!

Oh, and best of luck in your quest getting there!

thanks for your replies peeps, may well get myself checked out.

I’m doing my training with stirling as they had a winter offer on, the cpc and a hazardous goods course are included in the price which is about the only reason i’m doing them but at the end of the day they won’t do any harm.

with the offer i got; the theory test, both courses c&c+e one test for each and two free retests for the c+e (I pay the test fee but get some extra training and the use of the lorry free).

In between the c and the c+e I get the cpc included and when I’m done I get the hazardous goods course too. By the time I’m done it’ll have cost me about £1500-1600.

Anyway, back to the original question, any tips to help with the training?

If it’s any help to anyone I’m already;

Trying to get into the habit of feeding the steering wheel,
Making the most of difficult reverses, especially in the vans/pickup and not using the rearview.
trying to get into the habit of using the mirrors at the right times.
another thought I had was to buy (stupid as it may sound) a toy artic so I can see what the unit and trailer need to be doing for certain manouvers.

Trying to get into the habit of feeding the steering wheel,

in low range - anyhow as long as you are in control
in high range - pull/push - always start with a pull - it’s easier

Making the most of difficult reverses, especially in the vans/pickup and not using the rearview.

good - but get out and look if not sure

trying to get into the habit of using the mirrors at the right times.

mirrors before doing anything
try this whilst driving along - GENTLY moving your eyes to:- screen & raise your vision - glance at speedo - n/s mirror - screen & raise your vision - o/s mirror - screen & raise your vision - glance at speedo - n/s mirror - screen & raise your vision…

another thought I had was to buy (stupid as it may sound) a toy artic so I can see what the unit and trailer need to be doing for certain manouvers.

forget it - watch other artic drivers do it on industrial estates etc when you are not driving. Don’t dwell on this - you have the C course to do first and you do not want brain overload.

Thanks for the info Rog, sounds like i’m on the right lines then and as you’ve said i’ve been watching the artics as and when I can.

I’m pretty confident about the c course but you’ve got a good point when it comes to concentraiting on one thing at a time, I’ll not bother about the c+e until I’m past the c course. Just waiting on a date for that but by the sounds of things should only be about a fortnite now.

any opinions about stirling by the way? I’m doing my training in cardiff which I think is a partner of stirling, again any opinions?

any opinions about stirling by the way?

No, because I have had no personal dealings with them, however, from reading other posts on this site from people who have, it does seem that their business methods are not to most peoples tastes.

Have no bad things to say regards the actual training. I used qualitas, stirlings partner I believe. Passed my c 2nd time and my instructor was 1st class. Only when I actualy read that I had to pass the cpc,before I got my free c+e course, did I realise that I was in effect conned.
The home study is in my opinion is a massive undertaking and pointless if you are to be an employed driver.
There are a few training companies that offer C then C+E after cpc BE CAREFUL. Look into the cpc carefully before you decide to do a linked course. Qualitas course had to be completed within a year of payin your deposit. Takin in to consideration the time it takes to book theory,practical and then test,hoping you dont fail.Then take cpc,which is only tested a few times a year, pass that then do your C+E well imho hard work. Thats why I didnt bother with it when I found out that the DRIVER cpc is the important 1. I did my C+E with Newcroft of Purfleet. TOP TRAINING COMPANY Highly reccomended.
Sorry to go on folks but I was alittle peeved with my experiance
Wish I had found this site offers top advise by so many experianced people

Keep it up

oh cwap, yeah good point and looks like I’ve fallen into that trap too!

I’ve got until november though so with luck I’ll be ok, was hoping to be all done by the end of march, forgot about the cpc being only at certain times of the year :confused:

Although I was daft enough not to look before I handed over my hard earned, might be worth noting in a sticky somewhere?

Thanks again anyway.

Have to disagree with Rog here (it is the night anyway). A reasonably sized model artic could be useful for getting another view of what is going on with the trailer. Just bear in mind it is a model and close though not exactly like the real thing.

Have to disagree with Rog here (it is the night anyway). A reasonably sized model artic could be useful for getting another view of what is going on with the trailer. Just bear in mind it is a model and close though not exactly like the real thing.

If you could find a model where the front unit wheels turn then that might work but most of the ones I have seen have fixed wheels on the unit.
I have seen radio remote control artics but you need to be able to do a very slow speed reverse with them to be of any help.

all very true peeps and thanks again. The big worry now however is that I’ve been “conned” so I’ll have to keep an eye on them. I take it they’ll drag their heels as much as possible in the hope that they won’t have to put me through the artic course. Any advise on giving myself the best chance possible of getting everything i’ve payed for would be much appreciated!?

The only thing you can do to improve your chances of passing the CPC is to actualy attend a course which will cost you about £700. My experiance with CPC homestudy packs is that the pass rates are very very low.

Sterling refer to funded training which probably does not exist. All they are doing is betting that you will not pass and with the law of averages they will not be providing many “free” artic courses at all. I think they have been offering this “limited time” “once the funding has gone it has gone” for about 2 - 3 years now!

Just like the Clearstone situation another example of people being ripped off before they have joined the transport industry.

Is the Transport industry not just full of cowboys!!! :smiling_imp:

lol, well thanks for cheering me up!

ah well, we learn from our mistakes. I’ll do my best obviously but if needs be I’ll just have to pay for the class 1 seperately.

The country’s filling up with robbing b*stards! :frowning: