more myths

the police cant park on bridges to use speed cameras cos its illegal

the speed limit for cars on a dual carriageway is 60
i was overruled on this 3 to 1 on Tuesdays drive to Bury st Edmunds

indeed, 70 for cars and car derived vans.

The CSA is a bad thing! total myth

No edits, just a quick note to say that this particularly emotive subject has been split off into the Family Room at the request of members, if you want to continue the debate… :wink: L.

Speed cameras are there for road safety.


speed humps let you drive faster

DAF CF’s are popular cuz they’re good, not cheap… !!!

Chrisie… :sunglasses:

CSA stuff split off as requested - it’s in the Family Room if you want to carry on ranting ( I know I do… :smiling_imp: ). :wink:

BMW car indicators work…honest :blush:

Lucy you’ve took out some of the myths along with the CSA rants.

Such as,

Driving is a Proffesion

and the Irish use their telly remotes to override the limiter

See the thread in the Family Room airhorn - the software will only let me split from one point in the thread, you can’t then split a asecond time and re-attach the other posts… :cry:

no probs lucy