From jct 20 of the m62 to jct 8 of the m60 is going to have a managed motorway,no doubt that means 2 yrs of roadworks,narrow lanes,tailbacks and more accidents.
And after two years of ■■■■, cameras that work when they’re supposed to be turned off. The amount of times I see the cameras flashing on the opposite side of the carriageway between jn 26 and jn 27 when they aren’t on is unreal .
I assumed the cameras are always on?
Cameras are always on, just set to the NSL plus whatever tolerance the local camera partnership allow.
Tossers…!!! Therapists should be well busy with the amount of stress & zb involved in driving in this country, canny get from one end to the other without roadworks, cameras, crashes etc…:twisted:
I do like the concept of managed motorways, well I would if more people used them properly, but it is getting tiring that you can’t seem to drive more than an hour in the UK without hitting seemingly endless roadworks.
^^^^^^^. I think that Germany is if possible far worse than the UK at the moment for roadworks.
Will they ever get the M62 finished? They seem to spend more time working on it than it took to build it
the maoster:
^^^^^^^. I think that Germany is if possible far worse than the UK at the moment for roadworks.
I’m not a fan of driving in Germany either!
What are managed motorways?
What are managed motorways?
A polite term for a mangled motorway
Lol…yes I can imagine
Is it where they allowed you to use the hard shoulder?
Lol…yes I can imagineIs it where they allowed you to use the hard shoulder?
Yes. The net result is that you get some people who understand that you can’t use the hard shoulder all the time, and others who think it’s a lane 24/7. Which it’s not. Basically, all it’s really achieved is to confuse people (at least at nights): I’ve lost count of the number of people who have happily trundled along the hard shoulder between my trailer wheels and a concrete wall at the M5/M6 split, only to leave me hung out to dry when the hard shoulder actually does become a lane at the start of the M5 souuthbound.
And after two years of [zb], cameras that work when they’re supposed to be turned off. The amount of times I see the cameras flashing on the opposite side of the carriageway between jn 26 and jn 27 when they aren’t on is unreal .
If you ain’t speeding, then you have nothing to worry about.
Rhythm Thief:
Lol…yes I can imagineIs it where they allowed you to use the hard shoulder?
Yes. The net result is that you get some people who understand that you can’t use the hard shoulder all the time, and others who think it’s a lane 24/7. Which it’s not. Basically, all it’s really achieved is to confuse people (at least at nights): I’ve lost count of the number of people who have happily trundled along the hard shoulder between my trailer wheels and a concrete wall at the M5/M6 split, only to leave me hung out to dry when the hard shoulder actually does become a lane at the start of the M5 souuthbound.
So are you in favour of them or not?
I was not in favour but having used the M1 a few times they seem to work better than I thought they would.
What are managed motorways?A polite term for a mangled motorway
keep up they’ve changed the name to ‘smart motorways’.
Apparently it was too confusing to differentiate between MM and MM2 (alr).
MM2 being permanent all Lane running
Rhythm Thief:
Lol…yes I can imagineIs it where they allowed you to use the hard shoulder?
Yes. The net result is that you get some people who understand that you can’t use the hard shoulder all the time, and others who think it’s a lane 24/7. Which it’s not. Basically, all it’s really achieved is to confuse people (at least at nights): I’ve lost count of the number of people who have happily trundled along the hard shoulder between my trailer wheels and a concrete wall at the M5/M6 split, only to leave me hung out to dry when the hard shoulder actually does become a lane at the start of the M5 souuthbound.
So are you in favour of them or not?
I was not in favour but having used the M1 a few times they seem to work better than I thought they would.
I think they’re a good idea, I just wish they’d make it clear that the hard shoulder is only a lane some of the time. The “red cross” sign on the overheads when it’s shut would be enough. Well, enough for most drivers.
A lot of you know what i do for a living, I also do a lot of driving on the motorways (not as much as you guys now-a-days, but enough!) I’ve used all of these, I’m also aware of the new stretches about to be built (we’ll also have to deal with the carnage as Mr Audi driver does his own thing whilst the work is on-going.)
Yes, they do relieve the congestion.
Yes they do iron out the ghost roadblocks.
If anything happens and emergency crews need to get to the scene, I envisage all lanes blocked by traffic and no-one able to get through, especially as driver (All drivers!) ignore lane closures when the motorway is busy.
Also, these new parts are being built with less safety lay-bys, they will be “ALL LANES RUNNING” ie all lanes open 24/7. Signs will only be used for speeds when congested, and lane closures for incidents. When there is no congestion / incidents, the signals will be blank.
The cameras will work all the time, and switch to record offenders at whatever speed is shown at the time, including 70 mph NSL.
My other worry is that the M42 is a switched managed motorway, Ie. the H/S is opened for congestion, but closed the rest of the time. How will the numpties know which is which as there will be two different types of “smart / Managed motorways” ■■
Our Leaders believe that all will be well, I personally will sit squarly on the fence where I can get a good view.
Thanks The Real Biffo, more confused than ever,
I thought the idea of these motorways was to open the hard shoulder in times of congestion and reduce speeds to stop bunching. But now you’re telling me that some of these motorways are doing away with the hard shoulder altogether. surely the idea of the hard shoulder was to act as a refuse for broken down vehicles and a lane for emergency services to get to an incident, its one of the things that separated motorways for multilane dual carriageways.
As for informing the general public, well that’s a thing of the past, we used to have public information films shown on main time telly, but that unit was scrapped by this government, when they could of developed it to use the many new media ways to inform remind and educate us about things like this.
I travel this route everyday usually more than once and it’s a nightmare , when you get to jct 21 from 7ish in the morning it is heavy traffic until 10:30 onwards all the way down into Manchester , I think if people drove to the signs stated they would work but people get through the cameras floor it then do the same again until clear ahead, usually when the signs are at 60 we usually doin 30ish , when they are at 40 we down to stop start , and the ghost jams wind me right up lol get to the front to see nothing what so ever :@ !!!