More inconsiderate parking

Just pulled into services and went into a MARKED OUT SPACE but then I realised that if someone parked on the right of me then I wouldn’t be able to get out due to a truck parked across the bays with his curtain shut. So I moved into another area of the services. The thing is, there was loads and loads of empty bays he could have gone in but as it was he was blocking about 4 of them. If it was full when he came in then that isn’t an excuse to blocks marked parking spaces. Carry on, if you go over you time then you go to the next available place and write on the back of your print out that the services were full. Not block 4 spaces!

You need to chill out a bit more. The way you go on about stuff youre a prime candidate for a heart attack


A proper driver would of got out of there.

Lets start a yougov petition.

So he gets to said services at 1am, no spaces. Doesn’t park at back of trailers, cos it might inconvenience somebody like you having a 45 later on, but goes on to next services, 20/30 miles.
" Repeat above" until …he finds somewhere.

How many times do you want him to drive into services till he actually finds a space?
Suppose by 4/5 am when those that have had a nice 11/9 hour break are starting their day, he might just find one, by which time he will probably be well over his hours… and please don’t go down the “he should’ve pre-planned his journey”

Maybe you should’ve “pre-planned” your parking and looked ahead and chosen the other space, your second choice FIRST :unamused:

pierrot 14:
So he gets to said services at 1am, no spaces. Doesn’t park at back of trailers, cos it might inconvenience somebody like you having a 45 later on, but goes on to next services, 20/30 miles.
" Repeat above" until …he finds somewhere.

How many times do you want him to drive into services till he actually finds a space?
Suppose by 4/5 am when those that have had a nice 11/9 hour break are starting their day, he might just find one, by which time he will probably be well over his hours… and please don’t go down the “he should’ve pre-planned his journey”

Maybe you should’ve “pre-planned” your parking and looked ahead and chosen the other space, your second choice FIRST :unamused:

We aren’t talking about 1am here when services are full. It was 15:00ish and there was loads of space. And as for planning ok I’ll have that, but you expect to be able to drive into 1 of 4 available spaces when you see em. It was good I moved as well because as I was pulling out someone else was parking next to me which would have stopped me getting out.

But it looks like I’m mistaken and we think it’s fine to block off bays. Personally when I park I think about others a bit more rather than just myself, but that’s just me. I also go and offer to watch someone’s back if it looks like they are struggling reversing in somewhere when everyone else just sits in there cab and watches, but again that’s just me and I consider others.


pierrot 14:
So he gets to said services at 1am, no spaces. Doesn’t park at back of trailers, cos it might inconvenience somebody like you having a 45 later on, but goes on to next services, 20/30 miles.
" Repeat above" until …he finds somewhere.

How many times do you want him to drive into services till he actually finds a space?
Suppose by 4/5 am when those that have had a nice 11/9 hour break are starting their day, he might just find one, by which time he will probably be well over his hours… and please don’t go down the “he should’ve pre-planned his journey”

Maybe you should’ve “pre-planned” your parking and looked ahead and chosen the other space, your second choice FIRST :unamused:

We aren’t talking about 1am here when services are full. It was 15:00ish and there was loads of space. And as for planning ok I’ll have that, but you expect to be able to drive into 1 of 4 available spaces when you see em. It was good I moved as well because as I was pulling out someone else was parking next to me which would have stopped me getting out.

So YOU arrived at 15.00ish and HE was parked up at the back end of 4 bays.

OK Einstein, what is the minimum break that you have to take ? Oh yeah it’s 11 hours !

15.00 ish as you put it , minus 11 hours = he probably arrived at … in the morning AT LEAST

I’ll let you do the maths!! :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Oh yeah as a P.S. Why didn’t you take “that” place next to the one that you originally chose, as that wouldn’t have caused you any problems

Well I’d be guessing he hasn’t been there since the previous night because then No one would have got out in the morning. I’m guessing he’s parked there at some point this afternoon.

I take it by how much your defending this poor parking your one of the people who doesn’t care about anyone else and just dumps your truck wherever without thinking how others will get in and out.

And in response to your p.s I just saw 4 spaces and went in one not thinking that another pro driver would parked so others couldn’t get out, once I was neatly in that space and up to the line at the front I then realised I wouldn’t get out if someone parks next door.

Lets start a yougov petition.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses:

I take it by how much your defending this poor parking your one of the people who doesn’t care about anyone else and just dumps your truck wherever without thinking how others will get in and out.

Well I’d be guessing he hasn’t been there since the previous night because then No one would have got out in the morning. I’m guessing he’s parked there at some point this afternoon.

Well I guess that he , had he arrived in the afternoon, he would’ve put it in a space and I guess that maybe , just maybe all the other drivers that were parked up with him there in front of them probably knew how to get out of their parking bays without any problem.

And as for your other comment, you don’t know me, you don’t know how I drive or how I park up, so don’t you dare criticize me. Keep you nasty opinions to yourself till you know the facts.

pierrot 14:
OK Einstein, what is the minimum break that you have to take ? Oh yeah it’s 11 hours !
That has nothing to do with it!
15.00 ish as you put it , minus 11 hours = he probably arrived at … in the morning AT LEAST
Why in the least? he could have arrived at 14:45 ish and still parked like a ■■■■
I’ll let you do the maths!! :unamused:

Think you need to redo your own :laughing:

pierrot 14:
Keep you nasty opinions to yourself till you know the facts.

Oh! it was you then eh

there was loads of space.

So what are you ■■■■■■■■ about then? If there was plenty of space who cares if he was blocking 4 spaces?
Seems more like you just want to whinge about something and are one of those people who go out of their way to look for fault in things just to moan


pierrot 14:
OK Einstein, what is the minimum break that you have to take ? Oh yeah it’s 11 hours !
That has nothing to do with it!
15.00 ish as you put it , minus 11 hours = he probably arrived at … in the morning AT LEAST
Why in the least? he could have arrived at 14:45 ish and still parked like a ■■■■
I’ll let you do the maths!! :unamused:

Think you need to redo your own :laughing:

pierrot 14:
Keep you nasty opinions to yourself till you know the facts.

Oh! it was you then eh

My comment eezer was that the OP was having a go at someone parked up behind 4 bays without knowing any of the facts, he doesn’t know what time he arrived, but obviously was there when HE arrived, so… find a parking space that will be easy for him to get out of after his 45. He says that he arrived at 15.00ish, well surely there would have been quite a few spaces available.


there was loads of space.

So what are you ■■■■■■■■ about then? If there was plenty of space who cares if he was blocking 4 spaces?
Seems more like you just want to whinge about something and are one of those people who go out of their way to look for fault in things just to moan

Thankyou Snowman.

He was blocking 4 spaces and then took his own space (which didn’t really exist). If everyone blocked 4 spaces would you be happy with that?

I don’t know which services rowley was at but this happens a lot at Tibshelf and it is sometimes very awkward to get out when someone parks across the front parking slots next to the hedges. Not impossible but awkward.

I personally hate inconsiderate parking and have had a few altercations with other steering wheel pointers over the years.

He was blocking 4 spaces and then took his own space (which didn’t really exist). If everyone blocked 4 spaces would you be happy with that?

I don’t know which services rowley was at but this happens a lot at Tibshelf and it is sometimes very awkward to get out when someone parks across the front parking slots next to the hedges. Not impossible but awkward.

I personally hate inconsiderate parking and have had a few altercations with other steering wheel pointers over the years.

He was blocking 4 bays when the OP arrived, nobody knows when that driver arrived, those 4 bays probably had trucks in them when that driver arrived to take his daily break. The OP said that his curtains were shut.

Just do the class British thing. Shake your head, go tsk and carry on.