More fellow "professionals"

2nd clip, fair cop, but the 1st clip you’ve only got yourself to blame from your own crappy road positioning. The exit you wanted was about 4 o’clock from where you entered but as soon as you passed 12 o’clock you moved over to the nearside which gave the impression that you were taking the Gt. Barford exit. You should have stayed on the offside until the Gt. Barford exit then moved over to the nearside to take the exit.

1st one, I would of flashed the said Professional out as that roundabout is a pain in the arse. The 2nd one, that was scary :open_mouth: You see that more and more these days :unamused:

Don’t see any indicators in the 1st clip that would prompt the op to flash him out!

Let’s take a look at both incidents from the outpulling driver’s perspective…

Maybe they’ve both been waiting for a full 10 minutes for a tiny slither of suitable gap or lull to pull out in, but were disappointed.
What would YOU do next, perhaps with steam coming out of your ears and all? :unamused:

Rob K:
You should have stayed on the offside until the Gt. Barford exit then moved over to the nearside to take the exit.

I’d disagree with that, I was taught and understand from HC than its preferable to be in the NS sooner and stay on.

Problem with staying out in a larger vehicle is that when you do come to go NS to leave, there are people passing on the NS.

Safer to close the door.

I’d have slowed down though, clear from 3.12 he’s going but OP doesn’t slam on until 3.15. Appears to open up a gap to the NS as well, good job there wasn’t a bike making the most of that one.

Second one - lay-by is in view from 1.03 ish?

Was the guy wanting to leave the lay-by indicating?

Can’t see one in the vid, if so yeah you have less time to respond.

If there was one, 10+ seconds to make an obs and move over.

I think both could be anticipated better. They were both always going to go, its not about whether they end up doing so, more how you react to the fact that they are doing.

Ian G:

Rob K:
You should have stayed on the offside until the Gt. Barford exit then moved over to the nearside to take the exit.

I’d disagree with that, I was taught and understand from HC than its preferable to be in the NS sooner and stay on.

Problem with staying out in a larger vehicle is that when you do come to go NS to leave, there are people passing on the NS.

Safer to close the door.

I’d have slowed down though, clear from 3.12 he’s going but OP doesn’t slam on until 3.15. Appears to open up a gap to the NS as well, good job there wasn’t a bike making the most of that one.

Rubbish. Please don’t make stuff up.

The Highway Code is quite clear, if you’d bothered to read it :


Signals and position. When taking the first exit, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise
signal left and approach in the left-hand lane
keep to the left on the roundabout and continue signalling left to leave.

When taking an exit to the right or going full circle, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise
signal right and approach in the right-hand lane
keep to the right on the roundabout until you need to change lanes to exit the roundabout
signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want.

He kept to the right until he’d passed the A1 exit then moved to the left which by the Highway Code “rule” meant he was positioning himself to take the Gt. Barford exit. Like I said, crappy road positioning and I’m not surprised the low-loader pulled out.

As for stopping on the roundabout to flash out traffic because they’ve been waiting too long (@ tango boy), well that’s just yet another example of the shocking LGV driving standards in this country.


With a bit of forward planning and common courtesy to fellow lorry drivers, These near misses you got yourself into wouldn’t have happened.
It’s always someone elses fault.

In the first clip I can’t blame the guy for doing that, there was a great deal of traffic and he had a very large load, if he couldn’t ask you to slow up and let him out (which most professional drivers would do) then he would have been stuck there for ever. You have to read the road ahead and should have seen that poor guy waiting when you neared the roundabout and slowed up as you entered it to give him time to pull out safely. It’s simple courtesy among fellow drivers.
In the second clip It was rather stupid of thet guy to just pull out and assume you would just slow up… 2 things come to mind again here … 1 ) he was a container hauler and they are renound world wide as having no consideration for anyone else on the road… 2) He was probably sitting there for ages with his right turn signal on and saw a fellow truck driver as possibly being sympathetic.

Rob K:
Rubbish. Please don’t make stuff up.


I must be talking ■■■■ then, but that’s how I always used to do it and I was taught it was a bad habit when not in a car :blush:

Curious as to how many drivers would stay out and have cars attempting to pass NS as they’re due to leave.

In fact, 187 does ask that you look out for people in the NS lanes staying on. They’d not be there if it was always appropriate to stay OS.

Ian G:

Rob K:
Rubbish. Please don’t make stuff up.


I must be talking [zb] then, but that’s how I always used to do it and I was taught it was a bad habit when not in a car :blush:

Curious as to how many drivers would stay out and have cars attempting to pass NS as they’re due to leave.

In fact, 187 does ask that you look out for people in the NS lanes staying on. They’d not be there if it was always appropriate to stay OS.

Why would you have cars passing on the n/s? If you’re indicating your intentions correctly then there’s no reason for that to ever happen.

Rob K:

Ian G:

Rob K:
Rubbish. Please don’t make stuff up.


I must be talking [zb] then, but that’s how I always used to do it and I was taught it was a bad habit when not in a car :blush:

Curious as to how many drivers would stay out and have cars attempting to pass NS as they’re due to leave.

In fact, 187 does ask that you look out for people in the NS lanes staying on. They’d not be there if it was always appropriate to stay OS.

Why would you have cars passing on the n/s? If you’re indicating your intentions correctly then there’s no reason for that to ever happen.

Back in the real world…

You know that car drivers are idiots and know nothing about large vehicle positioning / indication.

Did anyone else notice, in clip one, the container lorry creep up op’s nearside all the way to the roundabout and then turn right!



Rob K:

Ian G:

Rob K:
Rubbish. Please don’t make stuff up.


I must be talking [zb] then, but that’s how I always used to do it and I was taught it was a bad habit when not in a car :blush:

Curious as to how many drivers would stay out and have cars attempting to pass NS as they’re due to leave.

In fact, 187 does ask that you look out for people in the NS lanes staying on. They’d not be there if it was always appropriate to stay OS.

Why would you have cars passing on the n/s? If you’re indicating your intentions correctly then there’s no reason for that to ever happen.

Back in the real world…

You know that car drivers are idiots and know nothing about large vehicle positioning / indication.

So you turn right at all rbts in the nearside lane then, just in case? :unamused: Like you say : back in real world…

Yes. When I did my Cat C I was marked down on my first test for being in the right lane for a right turn

Don’t see any indicators in the 1st clip that would prompt the op to flash him out!

What indicators are needed to let a fellow driver know you want to pull out of a roundabout ? if it were the left indicator it wouldn’t be seen anyway ! It’s obvious to anyone with an ounce of inteligence that the driver needed to enter the roundabout … or do you think he wanted to stay there for a couple of hours ?

So … “Car drivers are idiots” ?
How do you get to and from work ? How do you go anywhere when off duty ?
You are a car driver right ?

Pat Hasler:
So … “Car drivers are idiots” ?
How do you get to and from work ? How do you go anywhere when off duty ?
You are a car driver right ?

The ones who’ve never driven a truck, yes.

Yes. When I did my Cat C I was marked down on my first test for being in the right lane for a right turn

That’s because the approach was marked such permitting you to turn right from the nearside lane. Poor observation on your part. :bulb: