More bad luck

Just as I thought my luck was changing, it doesn’t!!!
The job I had on the bulkers is no more.

Warning, Rant time!!!

first 3 days was fine, on the bulker with the boss with me to see if I am alright. He makes some comments about the smoothness of my gear changes (funny no-one else has had a problem with them)

After that he says he needs me to cover on the 8 wheeler for a few days. Mmm, not what I went for but hey ho

Went ok on the thurs and the friday, although friday I was extremely knackered (bearing in mind tues and wed were double manned 18 hour shifts) Was told Saturday morning that they had a complaint that I wasn’t fast enough.

Errr well I was running on the limiter all day (naughty boy I know) and had a couple of hold ups with queues at the quarry, but I accepted that knowing I was tired.

Monday not too bad, (still on the 8 wheeler, can you cover it for this week?? Yeah no probs)
Tuesday was a good day, even phoned up for an extra load. (must be getting quicker :smiley: :smiley: )

Then Wednesday…

Picked up the lorry at 05.30, after doing my checks headed down to Dean Quarry for a load to Truro. Got to dean at 06.30, got my load. had a 15 then onto Truro via Redruth to get fuel. Had to queue to get fuel cos there was 3 waiting and only one pump (which requires shunting to get at with an 8 legger)

Finally got to Truro after hitting all the traffic (rush hour)

Next got to the main Quarry we use for 10.30, got loaded up and set off for my second drop. Eventually finds it, find out where they want the load. Started to manuvre when BANG!!! and loss of drive without cross locks (had them on because of the state of the site)

The result-…
(Lorry is a year old and still under warranty)

Suspected half shaft gone plus a load of abuse from boss over the phone saying it was my gear changes that caused it :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

The recovery driver says, I can see whats wrong from here
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Any way cut to Thursday morning (here comes the )

Was told that half shaft had snapped and the diff had melted and that it was all my fault.
Errr hellooo… Not even I can bugger up a half shaft in 3 and a half days. You would have to be a pretty fierce driver to do that. I rekon it was weakened already and they knew it was going to go soon.
Also one of the bosses drove it for aprox 1/2 mile after the incident to get it to where it could be recovered more easily. (That is what melted the diff IMHO)
To cut a long story short, This morning I was sacked for causing all the damage. And also because I was still not quick enough on the quarry job (on the limiter all the time :unamused: )

I still think I was set up!!!
No reference from there, at least I will get my money!!!


Back to the old drawing board :cry: :unamused:

:confused: IMHO it sounds to me like you are much better off without them. PS serves them right for having Renaults.

Semtex, you are better off with out that bunch of misguided idiots, You wil find the job that is right for you mate ,

:? IMHO it sounds to me like you are much better off without them. PS serves them right for having Renaults.

totally agree on both counts. an industrial tribunal may take an interest though on wrongful dismissal. by the sounds of it, they havent investigated it much and sacked you without the proper procedures :bulb:


I Have done bulk work mate and you are better off without it. I had a few probs with one firm who lets say when it came to the onboard weight machine were somewhat creative when they set it up.

Days were 15-17 hours wanted you to run bent which meant that by the start of the third week I returned the vehicle back to base and told him to find another driver. He withheld my money for two weeks …but saw the light when I told him I was going to report him it might cost me a couple of hundred but it would cost him a lot more…bitter and twisted :smiling_imp: I know but you gotta bite back in this game.

Good luck in the future.

Got to agree - sounds like you are better without them - I mean Renaults ■■

Come on … …


Semtex. I heard that bulker work was all go. I stayed away from it .The closest I got to it was with 20 boxes for export . Used to be about 10 of us loading an order for export. Usually Cornwall to Sotton. We were all booked in at different times & loaded. Getting back to Sotton was different . Some would go back M5 .A 30. Others would go back the old road from Exeter. I would choose the M5 route... It didnt matter when I left Cornwall they would all beat me back to Sotton simply because as I soon as I got to Taunton services I would kip for about 2 hours… ( Boredome ) The other guys were all running legally but I had lost interest big time. The Sotton TM would query my ttimes over the phone & I used to tell him the truth . " I pulled over for a kip." Bearing in mind that I had had a night out about 1 hour from the quarry whereas most of the other guys had left Sotton that morning & still got back before me. I guesse it goes back to the time when I did reefer work & everything was perishable & urgent. When I had a load of clay on I couldnt see the point of hurrying.. The thing is that you lasted about a week longer than I would have done. & about the mechanical probs If they havent got a sense of humour they shouldn`t be in transport. ( But it does seem grim down your way . I thought all that push-push was finished…)

Sorry to hear your news Semtex, but am inclined to agree that your best off out of it. Not what you need just now though, I know. :cry:

got to agree cant have been your driving, took me 2 years to .■■■■. my renault diff :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

To cut a long story short, This morning I was sacked for causing all the damage. And also because I was still not quick enough on the quarry job (on the limiter all the time :unamused: )

Here’s what you do. You ring up the Traffic Commissioner and report the SOB. Anyone who still complains when you’ve been speeding all day doesn’t deserve to run lorries.

I am sick to death of tipper company bosses demanding that tipper drivers all run flat to the floor. Everytime I go to one on agency and get told I’m not going fast enough, depending on the answer I get when I point out that I obey speed limits, the Traffic Commissioner sometimes gets a phone call.

If I want to speed, that’s entirely my decision. I’m not going to have some gimp in an office dictating that I do.

If I want to speed, that’s entirely my decision. I’m not going to have some gimp in an office dictating that I do.

■■■■ right … …

Sorry to hear your news Semtex and
as already said you are better off without
them. Good luck finding the right job :smiley:


As you may have seen on another thread, I have been offered a new job on fridges with a firm from Oakhampton.

Went up today for an interview and driving assessment.

nice little drive in an unfamiliar truck (MAN TGA comfort shift)

Surprise surprise,

no comments made about my gear changes
just a job offer :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Nice one mate…

put the bulk behind you bro and move forward.

good luck :laughing:


I have been offered a new job on fridges

excellent news mate. Best of luck.

just one thing to remember…

don’t ever park next to me :smiling_imp: :wink: :smiling_imp:

Its funny. I did Int. fridge work for years but when I went on to dry frieght i would have to park among the fridges or I couldn`t get to sleep… :smiley: