More against truck!

I was checking out the 10 dowing strret e petions and came across this 1…
More details from petition creatorIn my belief HGV’s cause the biggest amount of problems on British roads and motorways. They cause delays because they are going so slowly, and often do not have the power to overtake the vehicle they are trying to pass so then two lanes of motorway are blocked by lorries and other veicles can’t get around them. I think that if they were taken off the roads from midnight on Friday till 11pm on Sunday it would make the roads clearer at weekends, which is when most families are travelling. The only wagons that should be allowed to travel are ones with special licences for perishable goods for example such as fruit and veg. Also wagons should have restricted travel over xmas and new year. This works very well on the continent so maybe it is time we adopted it here? Even if only for a trial period.


Im not 100%, but it sounds like a good idea… I hate working weekends!

rob i thought about signing it as well.As today i have been to midlands and back and on the way back had 2 artics crawl past me.i was doing 52mph and it took them about 3 miles to get past…then they decided to pass each other which then took even longer…

afpmsl :laughing: at Rob

You should be on the stage son :exclamation:

:wink: :wink:


As an agency driver I earn most of my money working the weakends that no-one wants to work. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Obviously the petitioner doesn’t do motorways at weekends. Trucks are much fewer and far between at weekends.

Love my weekends.

Relaxed, laid back office planners, lighter traffic (apart from a few sunny weekends in summer) especially early morning & evenings.
Quiet customer premises with relaxed staff counting their weekend pay, quiet docks, etc. etc. Its blooming grand, i can get on some.

Only downside is many roadside butty wagons & truck stop facilities are closed.

But isn’t it annoying that the owners of the butty vans leave the ‘cafe open’ sign out?

I’ve lost count of the number of times that I have come within a hairs breadth of reversing into the cabin and closing it for good after I’ve pulled in and found it closed :smiling_imp:

agreed 100% :imp: :imp:

often been tempted to walk back & get the sign & toss it over the hedge.

agreed 100% :imp: :imp:

often been tempted to walk back & get the sign & toss it over the hedge.

:grimacing: Same here mate :wink:

:smiling_imp: Have you also noticed how early it is that most of them close :question:

They cause delays because they are going so slowly, and often do not have the power to overtake the vehicle they are trying to pass so then two lanes of motorway are blocked by lorries and other veicles can’t get around them.

It gives me so much pleasure to know that I have helped in impeding the progress of a member of the MLOC, who can’t go in the outside lane and would never be seen dead in the inside lane. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
