More advice from the wise please!

Any decent company who wanted to employ you would understand the need for a notice period remember the grass is not always greener


It’s always right and proper to play fair and give notice if you can afford to.

The hard fact is though, if you have to go just go. If you fail to get your holiday pay etc threaten your old employer with tribrunal. They will cough up before it goes anywhere near one.

Even worse? If your old firm are really short of drivers in the future, they will give you your old job back rather than train someone new…

Ain’t Transport grand■■?


if this ‘new’ firm has offered you first refusal then they should, if decent like you say , wait for you to work out your notice , i find once you hand your notice to your existing employer they dont always hold you to work the time agreed anyway as they’ll not want to keep on someone who wants to leave when your position needs to be filled.
they’ll advertise for a new driver to replace you & that wouldnt be more than a week in todays current climate added with owing holiday , i would imagine you’d be gone in a week anyway 2 weeks at most.

if yer 'new ’ firm wont wait then best not let yer current employers get wind of it else you could be edged out for a driver who does want to work there

The new job won’t wait. Be straight with where you are at the moment. This “months notice” thing isn’t set in stone, I left a company which requested the same, but after explaining the situation to the manager he said “you’ll be going anyway, won’t you?” so I was gone in under a week. Leave on good terms, you never know when you may need a reference…



i would ask your new employer if they minded you honouring your notice,i would then ask your present employer if you could just work 2 weeks notice,by doing this it makes you look a loyal employee to the new employer and also doesnt drop you in the [zb] with your present employer,if they both say yes your laughing,if they both say no then start at your new job on monday,but its always good to leave a job on a high as you may never know when you might need them or a good reference,

good luck



Its a ■■■■■■ job… People come and go all the time. Tell your current boss your leaving Friday and hey presto… WHat they going to do? Be a bit sad to pursue the matter further?

Plenty of driving agencies in the book to cover you when you leave on Friday. Just tell him tomorrow you’re last day is Friday as you’ve been offered your dream job, even if they dock you money, it’s not worth missing the new opportunity.

Take it. You’ll forever regret it if you don’t. What’s losing a bit of money against your dream job. Transport is a cut throat world, no one will look out for you but yourself. You really must grab this opportunity with both hands. If it means you can never come back to your current job, so what. Live in the now not the distant future.

appreciate all the comments guys, i was really worried about this one.

UPDATE: So, i went into work yesterday morning and saw the TM, Basically said that an opportunity that i cannot afford to turn down has come up and that it is 2 minutes walk from where i live. Told him that i`m leaving the company and that i need the day to be my last.
I explained that i didnt want to leave and for them to think that it was all done in spite but in the same breath, i couldnt turn the opportunity down, in fact we left it on a good note and he more or less gave me his blessing and said that ive gotta do what i need to.

I went out and did my deliveries and came back to the yard, said goodbye to the people that mattered and shunned the others without looking back :stuck_out_tongue:

Tomorrow, i start my new job and it is going to be a big career move with chances to go further up the ladder and alot more responsibility. My last job was a one trick pony and not one i`d be re-visiting anytime soon.

i think i seen “cut throat” mentioned in this thread… NO [ZB] :grimacing:

Good luck mate, hope it works out.

appreciate all the comments guys, i was really worried about this one.

I explained that i didnt want to leave and for them to think that it was all done in spite but in the same breath, i couldnt turn the opportunity down, in fact we left it on a good note and he more or less gave me his blessing and said that ive gotta do what i need to.
Tomorrow, i start my new job and it is going to be a big career move with chances to go further up the ladder and alot more responsibility. My last job was a one trick pony and not one i`d be re-visiting anytime soon.

i think i seen “cut throat” mentioned in this thread… NO [ZB] :grimacing:

well done mate , hope you enjoy stobarts :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

seriously chap , hope it all works out for you :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Stobarts?? Dont you [zb] swear at me! :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL, not quite m8 but thanx. :laughing: :unamused:

y wud u need to give a months notice a week is enough. shurley your new job can wait that long i cant see as thay will trust you that much if you joined them without giving your presant employer at least a weeks notice

y wud u need to give a months notice a week is enough. shurley your new job can wait that long i cant see as thay will trust you that much if you joined them without giving your presant employer at least a weeks notice

LoL, i joined them so quickly because they wanted me to work for them so quickly :unamused: take it your not a fan of reading threads fully?

Btw, didnt they teach you at school about punctuation? :wink: i had to read that atleast 3 times just to understand what you spewed! :open_mouth: :grimacing: