Monex- New Job.........YAY!

Happy Easter Everybody. :smiley: :smiley:
Further to my previous post,just to let all the boys that replied to it…I got the job with Monex. Start a week Monday or it could be a Sunday. They seem a pretty good bunch(well,the ones that were in today) :frowning: Can’t wait to get back into euro work,been away from it for 4 years. Thanks again to Betz and Malcomj for their replies.

well done give my reguards to James and see you in folkstone one weekend

Thanks Malcolm. I look forward to it.Who do you drive for?

Severnside Continental Freighters based @ pontypool

Thanks Malcolm,I’ll make a point of looking out for you. Have a good weekend,and I’ll catch you soon. :slight_smile:

best of luck mate, look like they run new tackle, that was about all i knew about them!

Hey Mat. Thanks for the msg. Dig the tattoo,did it sting?lol Will keep in touch,as I have only just joined this site and it’s brilliant and a good way to meet new mates and get info. Have a good weekend. :smiley:

Does Linux-User still drive for them?

Hi Simon,I don’t know if Linux works there as I haven’t started with them yet. I will however,ask once I start(Sun30th-Mon31st). Have a good 'un. :smiley:

■■■■ thats me jealous of somebody else now… the list grows.

well done good luck and post some pictures up please.

Does Linux-User still drive for them?

Hi Si,

No i don’t work for them anymore, i left about 9 months ago.

Jessica’s dad unless it has changed you have nothing to be jealous about :wink: :wink:

Good luck Hexenhammer let us know how your getting on in a months time,

I was going to work for them until i heard the stories about them on the phone all the time wanting to know why your stopping when you still have 10 minutes driving left, never leaving you alone, and generally giving you a hard time. I heard this from one of their own drivers in Meer truckstop one night.

But hey it might have changed, good luck anyway i guess its horses for courses as the guy i was speaking to had worked there for 5 years. I just prefer to be left to get on with the job. :slight_smile:

It was a few years ago now, but i was with one of their guys on Weil Am Rhein Border one Saturday morning in 2005 and he reckoned it was a decent job. Decent tackle(he had a 164 Topline), money was good, his only gripe at that time was they used to ship him Ramsgate - Oostende all the time and he hated it.

Times may have changed though.

Oh dear God!!! What have I let myself in for guys? Are they really that bad?
Anyho! Is everyone having a nice easter,gorging themselves on eggs 'til they’re sick■■? I know I am :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Oh dear God!!! What have I let myself in for guys? Are they really that bad?
Anyho! Is everyone having a nice easter,gorging themselves on eggs 'til they’re sick■■? I know I am :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Judge them for yourself mate, you might fnd that you dont think its that bad…

Thanks BB; I appreciate that. Catch you later. :smiley:

Hey! You can be sure that once I start with them I will post pics and a diary.
I’m getting used to this technology now(I think)!! Being WELSH,I’m only used to an abacus,slate and chalk :smiley: Bye.

Like i said mate its horses for courses, and like someone else said you might fit right in, get on well with the right people and everyone likes how each other works.

There is a firm in Bristol that EVERYONE wants to get on with, top kit blah blah blah, well i got a job with them and within a week i had handed in my notice before i got a verbal warning!!! biggest load of ■■■■■ i have ever worked for.

So give it a chance, just be prepared :smiley:

Like i said mate its horses for courses, and like someone else said you might fit right in, get on well with the right people and everyone likes how each other works.

There is a firm in Bristol that EVERYONE wants to get on with, top kit blah blah blah, well i got a job with them and within a week i had handed in my notice before i got a verbal warning!!! biggest load of [zb] i have ever worked for.

So give it a chance, just be prepared :smiley:

Thanks Daleyboy. I’m glad I joined this site now :slight_smile: it’s nice to have various comments. Hope you’re having a nice day.H

well you should be ok sinse the old man died a few years ago his son James is running it 100 % legal so dont let the traffic planners push you into any thing silly just say NO and the dutch man who was doing the back loads has left sorry i cant remember their names :open_mouth:

and expect to top up your load in Breada on your way back to UK but most loads go straight back to their yard at Ebba Vale or at least they used to

if the job im in now ever goes ■■■■ up id go back there it a lot better than S&K IMHO