moffat mounty

good ,bad your thoughts gents please !!!

what about them ?

yes i use them from time to time handy piece of kit to have

well you can unload your self, but surely having 3ton hanging off the back end can mean a pretty interesting ride when empty…

I used to carry one about when I was on the poultry, used to love blasting about in the chicken sheds(well as long as the litter wasn’t too wet and deep), but yes, in the cold weather you do need to be on your toes, I’ve been pushed round a few times on untreated icey areas, fortunately no tto the extent where it totally jack knifed as it only ever happened at below 20mph so you could steer into it etc… also had to take it off at the bottom of a few hills due to lack of lift axle on the trailer and go to the top and then walk back for it lol, again, that only ever happened in the wet/cold

skip to about 3:40 and you’ll see me attempting to clear the road on my old one…

also watch out when turning into places with one - I never did it but I know people who have, you have extra over hang and it’s pretty easy to forget about it and catch someones car or gate post.


good ,bad your thoughts gents please !!!

Why bother with the hassle ?

Just do Fridge/Box Van work to RDC’s.

I used to have one on the back of a flat trailer doing turf, very handy bit of kit (as long as you keep it topped up with diesel & don’t leave the ignition on over night, I did both when I first started the job ! Durrrr !)

The only problem is- you never get a ‘Proper’ break, the farmer I worked for would route it round that lovely town called London (spit !) & the only way you could get home at night (no nights out) was to put it on break whilst unloading ! ( or you’d be doing 15 hour days constantly)

Job knackered me out in the end, I lasted 6 months then I bid him Good Riddance ! (■■■■ Farmer !)

Can they legally be used on a public road ?
When they are atatchted to a vehicle, they have that vehicles reg plate on.
So when its working , does it have to be taxed separatley ? . . i know what i mean :confused:

Nice video sixaxles

most are taxed and tested and registered as a vehicle in their own right so yes you can use them on the road

Can they legally be used on a public road ?
When they are atatchted to a vehicle, they have that vehicles reg plate on.
So when its working , does it have to be taxed separatley ? . . i know what i mean :confused:

was that you i saw on the wag and drag yesterday ■■? Steve.


Can they legally be used on a public road ?
When they are atatchted to a vehicle, they have that vehicles reg plate on.
So when its working , does it have to be taxed separatley ? . . i know what i mean :confused:

was that you i saw on the wag and drag yesterday ■■? Steve.

Could have been,didnt have a Moffet dangling off the back though.
Not much point with a crane :slight_smile:



Can they legally be used on a public road ?
When they are atatchted to a vehicle, they have that vehicles reg plate on.
So when its working , does it have to be taxed separatley ? . . i know what i mean :confused:

was that you i saw on the wag and drag yesterday ■■? Steve.

Could have been,didnt have a Moffet dangling off the back though.
Not much point with a crane :slight_smile:

lechlade to highworth road about 12.45/1.00 ?

nearly there:
Nice video sixaxles

cheers mate :slight_smile: one of my first ever.

I had a go on a Moffett this week, first time ever for me.

Got sent to a farm to collect it, booked in as a Hiab job. Apparently it had been left there as it all worked but was to shagged to lift itself back onto the trailer. Didn’t really see anywhere great to lift it with so had a little drive and reversed it’s 3 wheels up my ( 2 ) ramps! Strapping it down interesting as it was rotten as ■■■■ and as they usually aren’t carried on a flat not provided with lashing eyes.

Got to the company who were going to fix it and the said “how the ■■■■ are you going to drive that down?” "Watch and learn :laughing: :wink: "




Can they legally be used on a public road ?
When they are atatchted to a vehicle, they have that vehicles reg plate on.
So when its working , does it have to be taxed separatley ? . . i know what i mean :confused:

was that you i saw on the wag and drag yesterday ■■? Steve.

Could have been,didnt have a Moffet dangling off the back though.
Not much point with a crane :slight_smile:

lechlade to highworth road about 12.45/1.00 ?

No it wasnt me.
I wouldnt dare break the length limit on Halfpenny bridge. :neutral_face:

Did that 4x4 (?Landrover) with the chains on manage to pull the truck ok?

Good bit of kit but I’d prefer the manitou version, it’s telescopic so you can unload from one side

Did that 4x4 (?Landrover) with the chains on manage to pull the truck ok?

it was actually a Mercedes G wagon :wink: … yeah, no worries at all - really nice bloke, came when we first got stuck at the bottom after a few attempts lol, said he would go for his chains and if we were still there he’d give us a tow, by the time he came back the road had got quite busy and there were cars stuck all over to, so he pulled them up first, then the snow plow came and cleared the road, so we quickly tried getting up the wrong side again as that was best side due to the camber (or lack of) whicle he tried to stop the traffic, unfortunately some nob head bus driver couldn’t wait and I had to move back to the left and got stuck again!! :imp: which is where you see him and me hooking up the G wagon. :smiley: .