I’m given 30 mins from arriving at a dc to leaving ,book in at gate ,fuel up,findshunter,drop tri where he wants it ,take paper work too goods in office ,drive round too goods out office ,get paper work ,fill in run sheets ,find outgoing tri ,connect up and do all the checks on it ,seals,tai lift etc etc ,then leave ,all too be done within 30 mins .
Now we’ve the moderators on this board who can take 3/4/5 hrs too read and pass a post
Can I suggest you don’t take up careers as truck drivers ,what takes us 30 mins would take you lot a day looking at how you perform on here .
I’m amazed Ricki puts up with it
That’s a pretty idiotic post to be honest. They are all volunteers and all have full time jobs. They don’t sit around waiting for you to post so they can approve it. But then you wouldn’t have this in the first place if you weren’t on premod now would you?
As for 30 minutes to swap trailers, hanging the job put are we? I can be in and out of Holyhead in 10 mins. But I’m not paid by the hour…
have to admit this is an early contender for stupid post of 2015.
Quite good moderating to be fair to allow your whinge through.
30 minutes to change trailers is a bit slow though.
I keep seeing mention of “pre-mod”.
What does this mean?
I bet they do it just to wind you right up
NOTE TO SELF. Leave any post from dozy for at least 6 hours after seeing it needs approving before dealing with it from now on.
I keep seeing mention of “pre-mod”.
What does this mean?
If you’re an idiot and have a name that proves this. Like, I dunno, Dozy for example, the mods can put you on pre-mod so they approve everything you post before it appears on the forum.
If people post a lot of spam or consistently try to dodge the auto-censor then they can get put on pre-mod. I’m sure there are plenty other reasons to get yourself on it.
And 30 mins for a trailer swap. That’s still leaves enough time to fit a lamb shank in
I keep seeing mention of “pre-mod”.
What does this mean?
If someone is on pre-mod their posts do not appear on the board as soon as they post them. They are hidden until a Moderator or Admin gets round to reading and checking the post is within the rules of the forum and approves it, or sometimes doesn’t approve it in which case it will never appear.
People can be put on pre-mod for various reasons, although the underlying reason is more often than not the fact they are a Grade A ■■■.
I’ve images of Dozy furiously jabbing at his keyboard and getting ever more red faced as at each passing hour waiting for his post to be approved
I’m given 30 mins from arriving at a dc to leaving ,book in at gate ,fuel up,findshunter,drop tri where he wants it ,take paper work too goods in office ,drive round too goods out office ,get paper work ,fill in run sheets ,find outgoing tri ,connect up and do all the checks on it ,seals,tai lift etc etc ,then leave ,all too be done within 30 mins .
Hi dozy,
You can do all that within the time you’ve stated, well… that’s very good, but so can everybody else, whilst some are even quicker.
Now we’ve the moderators on this board who can take 3/4/5 hrs too read and pass a post![]()
Blimey, that’s quick!!
I normally leave some for about a day cos I wouldn’t want anybody to think I was rushing around or cutting corners.
But seriously, the TN Moderators are all unpaid volunteers, and there’s nothing in the site rules to say anything like ‘posts must be seen and approved/disapproved within ■■ minutes/hours.’
The Moderators all have their own normal work and jobs to do (including what you first wrote ) but they then have to voluntarily give up some of their spare time to read and approve posts by people who have difficulty posting within forum rules.
Since the moderators are conscientious types, they’re probably not the sort of driver to carve the job up to get back early just to look at the pre-mod post list.
Can I suggest you don’t take up careers as truck drivers ,what takes us 30 mins would take you lot a day looking at how you perform on here .
I’m so sorry about the delays mate, but you still don’t seem to grasp the words “unpaid volunteer” or accept that the Moderators have other stuff to do.
I’m amazed Ricki puts up with it
I’m not normally one to speak for Rikki, but on this occasion… I’d say that I think Rikki already knows the above because he sets the Moderator’s terms and conditions.
Thank you for your concern.
I keep seeing mention of “pre-mod”.
What does this mean?If someone is on pre-mod their posts do not appear on the board as soon as they post them. They are hidden until a Moderator or Admin gets round to reading and checking the post is within the rules of the forum and approves it, or sometimes doesn’t approve it in which case it will never appear.
People can be put on pre-mod for various reasons, although the underlying reason is more often than not the fact they are a Grade A ■■■.
hahaha but is that not a breach of the froum rules?
I think you,ve all fallen into Dozy,s trap,it,s a wind up and you have bitten the hook,well done Dozy carry on the good work.
I keep seeing mention of “pre-mod”.
What does this mean?If someone is on pre-mod their posts do not appear on the board as soon as they post them. They are hidden until a Moderator or Admin gets round to reading and checking the post is within the rules of the forum and approves it, or sometimes doesn’t approve it in which case it will never appear.
People can be put on pre-mod for various reasons, although the underlying reason is more often than not the fact they are a Grade A ■■■.
I resent that remark, just because we have a different view from the ■■■■ ups on here doesn’t mean we are ■■■■, grade a or otherwise.
I am on premod, and I have met you Neil and work with another moderator, you didn’t think I was a ■■■, and the other mod and myself have regular conversations and he certainly never tells me I am a ■■■.
If anything it’s the admin that is so far up there own arses thinking this is some kind of haulage eutopia where drivers don’t have opinions.
In reply to Dozy,
I am fully aware of the amount of time it can take for a post to be approved, I am also more than aware and appreciative of the time that the “volunteer” mods spend keeping this website on the straight and narrow.
Now should I be concerned that some one who cannot follow the simple basic rules of this website is upset that their posts don’t appear as quick as they like? maybe I should be concerned that the same person feels hard done by because they cannot post in a civil and constructive manner, and have had to be pre moderated.
Personaly I don’t care what some one on pre mod thinks, they are there for a reason, if it takes a moderator a few hours or even days to review your posts, then so be it, it is only your own fault for being a idiot in the first place
happy new year and all that
I’m given 30 mins from arriving at a dc to leaving ,book in at gate ,fuel up,findshunter,drop tri where he wants it ,take paper work too goods in office ,drive round too goods out office ,get paper work ,fill in run sheets ,find outgoing tri ,connect up and do all the checks on it ,seals,tai lift etc etc ,then leave ,all too be done within 30 mins .
Now we’ve the moderators on this board who can take 3/4/5 hrs too read and pass a post![]()
Can I suggest you don’t take up careers as truck drivers ,what takes us 30 mins would take you lot a day looking at how you perform on here .
I’m amazed Ricki puts up with it
LOL !!
I’ve images of Dozy furiously jabbing at his keyboard and getting ever more red faced as at each passing hour waiting for his post to be approved
I have images of the moderators now looking at dozy’s posts and chuckling to themselves as they think “nah, i’ll give it another few hours”
I keep seeing mention of “pre-mod”.
What does this mean?If someone is on pre-mod their posts do not appear on the board as soon as they post them. They are hidden until a Moderator or Admin gets round to reading and checking the post is within the rules of the forum and approves it, or sometimes doesn’t approve it in which case it will never appear.
People can be put on pre-mod for various reasons, although the underlying reason is more often than not the fact they are a Grade A ■■■.
hahaha but is that not a breach of the froum rules?
No. It would be if it was a personal attack but it wasn’t aimed at one person, it was a generalisation so I think it is within the rules.
I concur with Coffee. that there is no personal attack- not every one on pre mod is a Grade A ■■■- some are just old fashioned stupid, others think they have been unfairly put upon- we tend to put these in the category of delusional no-one however (as much as we want to) is on pre mod simply because we don’t like them or what they say. we do review pre mod and those on it. And the only way to get off it is to show by consistent constructive input to the board. However coming off pre mod is a one shot deal- revert to the nature of posting that got you on pre mod gives you access to an exclusive club the permanent pre mod group.
It does make you wonder though,were being told the moderators lead busy life’s ,other jobs and countless other things too do other than moderate the post of the poor souls on moderation ,yet you post a thread about there performance or lack of it ,and there like bees round honey
,there within minutes
i just can’t get my head round the fact we keep being told this is a buisness at the end of the day and has too be run like one ,yet most companies are looking too make there’s more efficient by improving turn round times ( 45 mins max from arriving at store ,tipping and leaving ,if longer why ) yet truck net seems too be quite happy too serve there customers ( posters ) as and when they’ve got time