Mobile WiFi

Was just wanting to see if anyone has used one of these?
If so any good or not? Only got 1gb on me phone so looking into something else to use for the iPad or laptop. … GwodpGcKcA


I have it. Its better then BT House Broadband. But dont need it often as i use BT Hotspots everywhere for free

The same device is available with 30day contract - 25GB of data / 30gbp per month or something like that.

You won’t be able to do everything you would like - and watch youtube / movies online as data is not enough for that, but it will keep you connected.

I have a 3 wifi thing instead of fixed Broadband. It is 15gig a month for about £15 per month so £180 per year. It is as fast as a fixed line. Has worked everywhere I’ve taken it.
That one is offering 24gig over 12months so 2 Gig per month for £80 per year.

I too use a 3 wifi mobile dongle , you can put up to 5 devices on it at once …but it does slow up if you do. It works nearly everywhere as said and I really rate it as a good tool.
Far far better than the crap vodaphone version .

Yes I switched from the vodafone one a couple of years ago as it was rubbish, kept dropping out and being annoying.

Cheers for the options, looks like it might be a 3 MiFi

Can you use your phone as a mobile hotspot?
I’ve been using mine this way for about 5 years now. I do have an unlimited usage phone plan though - sim only through Virgin. Never had any problems with coverage and can connect my tablet to it to watch TV etc…

Might be an option upgrading to an unlimited plan but stuck on vodaphone for a while yet.
I have got unlimited data for next 2 months so should be able to see just how much I’ll be using week to week.

The only network who seem to offer unlimited internet now is 3, but when using your phone as a hotspot you can only tether 12gb a month.

If you’re already on an unlimited plan I’d stick with it!

The same device is available with 30day contract - 25GB of data / 30gbp per month or something like that.

You won’t be able to do everything you would like - and watch youtube / movies online as data is not enough for that, but it will keep you connected.

I watch Youtube with mine and still use it to download Software as its faster and better then BT

I have unlimited internet and texts on my phone (3) for £15 per month. As its an Android, I use PDANet+ which masks the tethering, so I get unlimited tethering on that as well. Use my tablet when I want to watch movies (or PornHub!), and stream online radio all through the day. Well pleased with what I get from them, which also includes free 4G when available, and can also use my allowance in a lot of foreign countries for free, and for £5 per day in those countries not covered under their At Home plan.

Check if you have tentering available on your phone and try it out. Mine has a limit but for some reason the limit never goes down when its tethered to a tablet (well over 6 months at least - but I don’t hammer it just in case they catch on!!)

I got 02, unlimited for everything, £15 a month…£1.50 per day in europe…50p connection for texts, then same price as per uk plan. The 3 are trying to take them over to get a larger coverage, the commissioners are looking into the deal, as they will be the largest company in europe…wait and see.

The 3 deal has gone through ansd being kept separate. As for eu useage don’t get to over joyed about it the 150 per day only covers 60mb then speed drops off to an absolute crawl ie doesn’t work unless you spend another 150

I have it. Its better then BT House Broadband. But dont need it often as i use BT Hotspots everywhere for free

Yes, the BT hotspots are really useful, you just need to park near houses or businesses and 90% of the time you get a reasonable connection entirely free. If it wasn’t for that I would leave BT as my home broadband provider as I really dislike them as a company.

Got a Samsung phone and enabled wifi to connect when available,costa boots wh smith and pure gym are all free wifi,got 5gb a month and hardly touch it when out and about which is all good when your sat waiting for shops to bother to actually answer the buzzer with the delivery they might have actually ordered lol.