Mobile satellite in Europe

Now i know i know its normally our eastern european cousins that have these, but having just spent the weekend stuck in trellieres services i was thinking of investing in one.

Maplins sell them, but i am not sure they are good enough to reach down as far as Toulouse as that is where the majority of our work goes, so any advice would be appreciated.

Maplins sell this one … 1&doy=22m6 which drivers have told works well, but none of them seem to know the range. I have had a look at the footprints and it would suggest i would need a 50cm dish, so could i buy all the bit seperately? and what would i need?

Do let me know when you find out mate? I’m seriously thinking about getting something like this for those long, dull, weekenders…

Down in Toulouse may not be as near to the centre of the beam, but the signal is coming in at a higher angle, and therefore going through less of the atmosphere.

Changing the subject I’m afraid

but having just spent the weekend stuck in trellieres services i was thinking of investing in one.

Are the ■■■■■ still round there ?

Last time I looked they were cheapest in J00st

I used to use one all the time, all you need is a sky box with a card a sat dish coax and a compass and away you go , it is really as simple as that.
If you go onto caravan forums you WILL get loads and loads of info on this. If I was weekended in Euro land I would defo have one.

All the information you’ll need can be found at
We take our second Sky box with us when we go away in the Van (keeps the Mrs & kids happy) I can have it set up in less than 10mins, it’s a piece of ■■■■ once you’ve done it a couple of times.

Thanks for the advice Rollo that is just the site i am looking for.

As for ■■■■■, i was on the southbound side and didnt see any, and i still had me diesel left.

Alli i hope you are looking after my old lorry!! :slight_smile: and i will let you know what the sat is like when i buy one.