Mobile data usage?

I’m thinking of changing mobile networks, at the moment I’m with Orange who have offered me a decent deal to stay with them on contract but there internet data is capped at 500 MB a month which is quite a bit less than other networks fare use policy’s.

I don’t have much experience of using the internet on the phone so my question is this, is 500 MB enough these days ?

Also does anyone have any opinions of using Orange for the web, good bad or indifferent ?

With so many ‘unlimited’ deals on offer I’d be looking around for another provider!

Are you sure it’s 500mb per month?? I think that’s quite poor.

Yep 500 MB per month which I agree is quite poor compared with other networks, though none of them are really unlimited as they all have fare use policies which of course is another way of saying capped connections.

i took the sim only opition and get 800 mins 800 txts and unlimited internet from 02 for £20 a month.
no idea how much data i use but ive never been cut off or charged extra for it
listen to internet radio on it 2 hours most days

I think 500MB is not sufficient today. Many other schemes will provide you many plans with unlimited data use. I am using one of them which gives me faster speed,maximum data store and usage and never loss connection or extra charges to pay while playing online games,chat or listening music from online music shop. You should confirm your plan because once you start Internet you will need more and more data storage or usage.