MMTM drivers hours

Having just passed my CPC I’m 99.9% sure my mate is absolutely wrong but thought I’d ask o here to see if these were old school regulations.

Basically he is adamant that a weekly rest period on a normal Monday to Friday week cannot start until midnight Friday. He also believes that an owner driver can work every weekend so long as they don’t breach their weekly driving limit. He reckons his boss has it in writing that both these are true.

Are these old regulations or just a load of ■■■■.


sounds like a load of old ■■■■

neither are true. AFAIK they weren’t true when I started driving (20+ years ago). ■■■■■■■■ would be my response…

The Sarge:
neither are true. AFAIK they weren’t true when I started driving (20+ years ago). [zb] would be my response…

Agreed Sarge, so it’s a +1 from me. :smiley:

Also, it would be midnight Saturday he’s talking about (00:00 Saturday)

It’s total moo-■■■

Yeah I knew it was wrong in the current regulations but wasn’t sure about years gone by! Don’t know what would make it ok for an owner driver to work every Saturday. Don’t we get tired or something?! Thanks for replies.


IF, and it is a very big IF, either of these were true, which they are not :wink: , why could an owner driver work every weekend, but not an employed driver?

As far as I am aware, the rules do not differentiate between employed drivers and owner drivers, and they never have :wink:

So, just tell him to come up with a credible link to either of these ‘facts’ or you will out him publilcy as Billy ■■■■■■■■■■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The only thing I can think of is the old exemption Owner Drivers & genuinely self-employed drivers USED to have from the RTD working averages/total weekly work. This exemption no longer exists (withdrawn in 2011 I think). However some OD’s still believe they are exempt!!!

IF, and it is a very big IF, either of these were true, which they are not :wink: , why could an owner driver work every weekend, but not an employed driver?

As far as I am aware, the rules do not differentiate between employed drivers and owner drivers, and they never have :wink:

So, just tell him to come up with a credible link to either of these ‘facts’ or you will out him publilcy as Billy [zb] :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

depends if you use 1 or 2 alias’s and a magnetic friend :grimacing:

If in doubt ask. :slight_smile:

What does MMTM mean ?

If in doubt ask. :slight_smile:

What does MMTM mean ?

I D H A F C :grimacing:

If in doubt ask. :slight_smile:

What does MMTM mean ?

My Mate Told Me.



If in doubt ask. :slight_smile:

What does MMTM mean ?

My Mate Told Me.


If in doubt ask. :slight_smile:

What does MMTM mean ?

I D H A F C :grimacing:

Bet you have :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


If in doubt ask. :slight_smile:

What does MMTM mean ?

My Mate Told Me.

Cheers chap.


If in doubt ask. :slight_smile:

What does MMTM mean ?

I D H A F C :grimacing:


MMTM your mates a ■■■■

Utter tosh.

However, tipper drivers are immune to speed limits (Joking)

Bale Bandit:
However, tipper drivers are immune to speed limits