Missing Flight MH370

What’s CSI TruckNet saying about this then?


Any ideas?

Am surprised this hasn’t come up before.

My guess would be major structural failure mid-flight followed by an ocean impact severe enough to disable the GPS transponder.

That’s just a guess, but I think it’s fairly safe to say that it isn’t still up there.

The two men travelling on stolen passports fires the imagination a little, considering that China has recently experienced outrages from some of the more “pro-active” factions within its muslim minority. The authorities have got a huge headache in looking for a speck in all that vastness, but the answers wont be forthcoming until they find what`s left. Poor souls - awful way to shuffle off.

Raises the question why stolen passports were nit flagged up at boarding.

Maybe engine and electrical failure for some reason,maybe the crew were too busy trying to fly the plane and start the engines for a radio mayday call,followed by a successful ditching but maybe then sank because of damage or when the doors were opened before anyone could escape.IE no wreckage and sank intact. :bulb: :frowning:

Abducted by aliens…

Abducted by aliens…

YOU NEVER KNOW :open_mouth:

Traffic office ■■■■ up, they gave the driver the wrong post code (never happened before !) & he went to the wrong town, now he’s lost & hasn’t got a phone signal.

Caravan dwellers have had it away and weighed it in

Tipper Tom:
Caravan dwellers have had it away and weighed it in

I will go with that or some Romanians had the fuel out of it first then the cd’s carted it away :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Mind you the alien theory is my fave :smiley:

Just a reminder guys - 239 people have died. :unamused:

Just a reminder guys - 239 people have died. :unamused:

Whilst highly likely, that still isn’t a given yet.

the maoster:

Just a reminder guys - 239 people have died. :unamused:

Whilst highly likely, that still isn’t a given yet.

As above - things are quiet on this front for some reason, someone had to be tracking that plane on radar. The Chinese are all over that territory like a tramp on a tray of chips but they won’t say anything even though most of the passengers were Chinese, its all very strange at the minute.

Just a reminder guys - 239 people have died. :unamused:

Yes, we know.

Condolences to all the Bereaved, but a bit of Humour during a bad time & all that !

(The jokes will be flying around in the comedy shows before long)

This just about covers most of my thoughts on this sad circus.
sarawakreport.org/2014/03/fl … worldwide/

Warning your attention may lapse due to lack of interest.

What’s CSI TruckNet saying about this then?


Any ideas?

It’s what the media is not saying that is the problem :bulb:

Obama and Putin are threatening sanctions over this business in the Ukraine, which could escalate quite quickly into something serious and the news is full of a “missing” plane :open_mouth:

nytimes.com/2014/03/13/world … ticle&_r=0

None of this surprises me after all the Prime Minister still has to
explain his involvement in the death of this young woman.

freemalaysiatoday.com/catego … st-answer/

And she got murdered because the whole lot of them had their
hand in the cookie jar on a French submarine deal.

Malaysia Boleh.


What’s CSI TruckNet saying about this then?


Any ideas?

It’s what the media is not saying that is the problem :bulb:

Its what the military are not saying that would interest me, this plane was in an area that would be tracked by many military as well as civilian radars.

Obama and Putin are threatening sanctions over this business in the Ukraine, which could escalate quite quickly into something serious and the news is full of a “missing” plane :open_mouth:

Russia doesn’t have a lot of money, it needs to export its gas and oil to survive, Russia is trying to live up to its tough man routine, if the west clamps down on travel for wealthy influential Russian it will soon change, no visits to the capitalist west to buy luxury goods in the US or Western Europe, maybe no visits to Dubai to buy gold, Putin will then be shown as the puppet of the rich people who have the real power in Russia - the power of money and not of state.



What’s CSI TruckNet saying about this then?


Any ideas?

It’s what the media is not saying that is the problem :bulb:

Its what the military are not saying that would interest me, this plane was in an area that would be tracked by many military as well as civilian radars.

Obama and Putin are threatening sanctions over this business in the Ukraine, which could escalate quite quickly into something serious and the news is full of a “missing” plane :open_mouth:

Russia doesn’t have a lot of money, it needs to export its gas and oil to survive, Russia is trying to live up to its tough man routine, if the west clamps down on travel for wealthy influential Russian it will soon change, no visits to the capitalist west to buy luxury goods in the US or Western Europe, maybe no visits to Dubai to buy gold, Putin will then be shown as the puppet of the rich people who have the real power in Russia - the power of money and not of state.

Not just in Russia, the whole world is the same :cry:

Not just in Russia, the whole world is the same :cry:

Good job we have a few bob stashed away in an old teapot under the stairs eh? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: