Missing Driver!

… he is being held in custody but we know no more than that.
… Certainly not where or indeed why.

As such, it’s probably a good idea for everybody to avoid any kind of speculation in case of possible legal proceedings. :wink:

I agree with Diesel Dave, remember; " Assumption is the mother of all [zb] up’s" so lets not speculate.

The auto censor wouldn’t let you put the word you wanted to, so the stars and asterisks have to go too I’m afraid. (But we know what you mean.) :smiley: :wink:

i think that the importation of drugs is a big problem, i was parked in leeds last week, some kids about 13,to14yr old were standing aroud my truck, they had extacy tablets and hyperdermig syringes, they were mixing the extacy with cola puting it in the hyperdermic needles and injecting it into their lips. i think in yorkshire it,s called eby gum.

Neville you have a pm I hope it is of help to you

well i,ve no idea the outcome of this . but i flew to ecuador in 2003 and i was asked who paid for my ticket… what a muppet so as long as the narcs are looking for a driver my muels are ok

pm from spain yes i get those every day :imp: :smiling_imp: :imp: :smiling_imp:

Any news on what happened to the missing driver??

has it all worked out ok neville?

Just to bump this up, I would like some update on this, before i write my novel.