Truck & Driver has been contacted by a firm of Scottish solicitors who are trying to trace a person regarding the estate of the late Catherine Helen Fergusson. They are urgently trying to contact her son, Alasdair Fergusson, born on either 18th or 19th September 1952 in Zambia. It is understood that he was, or may still be, a haulage driver. He was last heard of in the Slough area in the mid 1990’s. At that time he was described as being white, 5’10’ - 5’11" tall, mousey brown hair (receding), broad shoulders, and was stocky and flabby. There is no trace of his death or any marriage in the United Kingdom. If anyone has any knowledge of his whereabouts, please let us know, by PM if you prefer, and we will pass the information on.
I’m 5’10", white, receding mousey brown hair with broad shoulders, stocky & flabby/beergut & I’m still alive !
& I was in Slough in the 90s (occasionally)
Please send the money to
‘Vikings Bank Account’
c/o Barclays, Milton Keynes.
Thank you.
I’m 5’10", white, receding mousey brown hair with broad shoulders, stocky & flabby/beergut & I’m still alive !
& I was in Slough in the 90s (occasionally)
Please send the money to
‘Vikings Bank Account’
c/o Barclays, Milton Keynes.
Thank you.
Perhaps she owed millions ?..and him too, thats why he has done a Lord Lucan, Its the debt collectors wanting their pound of flesh !
So were looking for a middle aged bloke, 5’10" - 5’11", going bald and a bit flabby ■■?
I know loads drivers that fit that description
3 wheeler:
I’m 5’10", white, receding mousey brown hair with broad shoulders, stocky & flabby/beergut & I’m still alive !
& I was in Slough in the 90s (occasionally)
Please send the money to
‘Vikings Bank Account’
c/o Barclays, Milton Keynes.
Thank you.Perhaps she owed millions ?..and him too, thats why he has done a Lord Lucan, Its the debt collectors wanting their pound of flesh !
Oooops ! I meant I’m 5’11", West Indian,curly black hair, thin shoulders & slight, breathing-but only just & I’ve never been to Slough ! LOL !
Colin Barnett:
Truck & Driver has been contacted by a firm of Scottish solicitors who are trying to trace a person regarding the estate of the late Catherine Helen Fergusson. They are urgently trying to contact her son, Alasdair Fergusson, born on either 18th or 19th September 1952 in Zambia. It is understood that he was, or may still be, a haulage driver. He was last heard of in the Slough area in the mid 1990’s. At that time he was described as being white, 5’10’ - 5’11" tall, mousey brown hair (receding), broad shoulders, and was stocky and flabby. There is no trace of his death or any marriage in the United Kingdom. If anyone has any knowledge of his whereabouts, please let us know, by PM if you prefer, and we will pass the information on.
Maybe it’s legit (that bit) and Rich Widow liquidated all her assets, and gave it to her son before dying, at which point he’s off without paying any death duties?
Isn’t the maximum “gift” somewhere in the range of £6500, if the benefactor dies within 7 years of the gift being made?
Even if it’s just the proceeds from a sold house, some debt collector for HMRC might be on the lookout, or maybe it’s the council who are wondering why she got her care home bill paid for apparently having made the house proceeds disappear?
Quite frankly, I’m amazed there are not a lot more people doing this…
Maybe it’s legit (that bit) and Rich Widow liquidated all her assets, and gave it to her son before dying, at which point he’s off without paying any death duties?
Isn’t the maximum “gift” somewhere in the range of £6500, if the benefactor dies within 7 years of the gift being made?Even if it’s just the proceeds from a sold house, some debt collector for HMRC might be on the lookout, or maybe it’s the council who are wondering why she got her care home bill paid for apparently having made the house proceeds disappear?
Quite frankly, I’m amazed there are not a lot more people doing this…
Sometimes people who can’t be found don’t want to be found.
I was there when my mam died, I feel for the people who couldn’t be there when theirs did.
I love watching the Heir Hunters on TV, sometimes it is a little bit of money, sometimes it is a lot of property and money. The hunters are on a commission like a no win no fee company.
I think he works for Weatherford Drilling in the UAE. Went To Aberdeen University
Wheel Nut:
I love watching the Heir Hunters on TV, sometimes it is a little bit of money, sometimes it is a lot of property and money. The hunters are on a commission like a no win no fee company.
Yes, it’s 20-25% I believe, plus their expenses added on top, which can easily chew up another 50k rather than a percentage if the “hunters” have stuck trips to malaga trying to trace relatives on the bill, and the like.
So… Someone dies owning a 2-up-2-down house worth about £80k for instance, and by the time a relative is traced, they might only get between £5k and £25k… Nice work if you can get it for the Heir Hunters eh?
If some old dear gets put into a home, non-corpus-mentis, then the house might not be sold until after her death… At which point, the care home is going to want a cut of the action as well! They couldn’t sell the house whilst she was alive, since there were no relatives coming forward to sort out the finances to pay the care bill (I wonder why?)
All in all, there’s more money in intestate estates than in car repos or credit card recovery - because there’s nearly always a house involved!
Notice that they rarely have any trouble tracking down SUBSTANTIAL estates - ie where there’s likely to be a substantial sum left after all these overheads (75%+ of “normal” amounts like £80k) are taken out.
These heirs to larger estates are not generally the people hiding away after all. Ordinary folk who’ve “disappeared” on the other hand might not be tempted to come out of their shell for a few tens of thousands (ie a non-life-changing amount) at the risk of debt collector or even law exposure.
If you can walk away from a £50k debt for example, you’re not going to risk being “found” to inherit a measly £10k are you?