Mirrors knocked off A38 Burton upon Trent

I witnessed an artic getting his mirrors getting knocked off on the A38 at Branston near Burton.
The artic was parked in the last lay-by before the Branston exit on the southbound side, I have got camera footage and reg numbers of both vehicles so if it was you that had you mirrors knocked off get in touch.

It was around 05:50 this morning.

Very decent of you to post this.

Is it possible to name the company of the innocent party here, might be a better chance of the message reaching the right person then.

■■■■■■■ hell,it’s close enough when that happens,on a dual carriageway too ffs.

Yes very decent, name the injured party, surely someone on here can help.

Yes very decent, name the injured party, surely someone on here can help.

+1. Do it, fat bloke.

Sorry chaps, I didn’t see a name on the outfit in the lay-by, one of our drivers a few mins behind me got the reg number of the of the injured party’s truck while I got the details of the TESCO artic that had done the deed.

I have passed on both reg numbers to the police who weren’t that interested as no crime had been reported at that time.

Sorry chaps, I didn’t see a name on the outfit in the lay-by, one of our drivers a few mins behind me got the reg number of the of the injured party’s truck while I got the details of the TESCO artic that had done the deed.

I have passed on both reg numbers to the police who weren’t that interested as no crime had been reported at that time.

Irony, you call them to report and incident and they tell you they’re not interested because nobody has reported an incident. :laughing:

Ain’t they the dogs!

I have passed on both reg numbers to the police who weren’t that interested as no crime had been reported at that time.

Why am i not surpised?

So no real copper on duty then (probably some half interested civilian phone jockey) who could run the injured parties registration, contact the regd owner and let them know whats been reported and whos responsible.

If owner plays ball as would be likely copper has a video evidenced and voluntary witnessed watertight failure to stop after and possibly report accident case, if they don’t want to prosecute he’s done real coppering work either way and can pat himself on the back for being a real copper.

edit…or he can carry on ticking boxes and stuffing donuts.

I did wonder if you hadn’t managed to get the name of the innocent party at the time driving by, as i suspected you’d have been straight onto them via phone.

By the way, Tesco won’t like this one little bit, if they don’t contact you SFBB i’ll eat my hat.

By the way, Tesco won’t like this one little bit, if they don’t contact you SFBB i’ll eat my hat.

Are there any Tesco’s drivers? Seriously though… haven’t they all been hived off to Eddie’s or are there still some left?

Either way… I agree, should have taken the report and passed it on… a report is a report.

Boomerang Dave:
Irony, you call them to report and incident and they tell you they’re not interested because nobody has reported an incident. :laughing:

Ain’t they the dogs!

And they wonder why half of the general public slag them off and they go on to say “we are only doing our job” when most of the time they clearly arnt.

And they wonder why half of the general public slag them off and they go on to say “we are only doing our job” when most of the time they clearly arnt.

Imagine if the victim vehicle had been a cop van. Bet the civvie who answered the phone would definitely upstream that one - with huge interest!

Boomerang Dave:

And they wonder why half of the general public slag them off and they go on to say “we are only doing our job” when most of the time they clearly arnt.

Imagine if the victim vehicle had been a cop van. Bet the civvie who answered the phone would definitely upstream that one - with huge interest!

It really gets to me, just pure utter laziness most of the time and have no interest of doing their job it it involves a bit of work, that’s my opinion based on the experiences I’ve had with the police. Just not interested unless someone is standing there with their hands held out in front of them saying “arrest me”.

Could you not also contact tesco? If its hit the other vehicle enough to take a mirror off then their vehicle must have some damage too. If you give them the details of who was hit they can contact DVLA to get details for the other vehicle.

No mirror, the poor driver’s gonna have a fantastic day today ain’t he.

Wait a minute■■? Tesco truck■■? Who is famous for ripping off mirrors on trucknet and now works for tesco■■?

Answers on a postcard :laughing: :laughing:

No mirror, the poor driver’s gonna have a fantastic day today ain’t he.

yes and depending on the mentality of his gaffer might not be believed as being innocent, some action here could save this poor driver a whole bundle of trouble and possibly many many hundreds of pounds if he’s held responsible or happens to be an owner driver.

Do an online crime report. This should automatically generate a crime number. Stops them just shrugging it off.

Do an online crime report. This should automatically generate a crime number. Stops them just shrugging it off.

I did get an incident number of the woman on the phone this morning, hopefully the bloke who had his mirrors knocked off has reported it but I’d probably think no has stopped so no one is going to get caught so no point reporting it.


Do an online crime report. This should automatically generate a crime number. Stops them just shrugging it off.

I did get an incident number of the woman on the phone this morning, hopefully the bloke who had his mirrors knocked off has reported it but I’d probably think no has stopped so no one is going to get caught so no point reporting it.

the two reports prob wont get linked up. if you can get the details direct to the victim would be better.