Hi there
I’ve been lurking on the ex pats forum for a bit now but…
I’ve started my c+e this week and thought I’d post up about my day 1&2
Day 1 got paired up with a decent guy and met the Instructor. Started with some reversing in the yard to miss the rush hour traffic, I think ill get there with it but kind of felt I was left to suss it out myself without too much input from the trainer. We then Headed out on the road and I had a bit of a mare to be honest, I haven’t driven lgv’s since passing class c a few months ago. I think that the gearbox was using all of my attention and causing me to make a pigs ear of roundabouts and junctions and kerbs The thing that bothered me though was that the trainer would seemingly let me mess up and then tell me I’d messed up!! A couple of sideways glances told him I didn’t find that useful but there was still not much in the way of coaching coming from him.
Went home feeling a bit crappy and not really looking forward to day 2
Day 2 … A new trainer (won’t go into reason but he’s only In for the day sadly)
Went straight out to the test centre area and had a MUCH better drive
Only brushed a couple of kerbs and made only a few minor errors with the gears, nothing major just being in the wrong split for the conditions
The trainer today was really calm and gave exclent coaching regarding positioning and gears
Went home feeling confident and with a good idea what to work on for day 3
Day 3 tomorrow, hopefully the initial Instructor with be a little more constructive otherwise words might be exchanged. I don’t expect him to spoon feed me the entire drive but a hint or two before things get out of shape would be nice!
Things feel like they are falling in to place now though and I’m really enjoying mastering the controls of the lorry. I see roads as challenges not problems and look forward to overcoming awkward manoeuvres 
Ill post up again after tomorrow or day4 and hope someone finds this useful if they had a bad first day too.
I’m not moaning about the trainer or anything, just trying to be honest about how things have gone for me.
I’d be inclined to say something at the beginning today otherwise half the day will be wasted before you can get on an even keel.
It’s a shame you can’t have yesterday’s instructor though as it seems like you built up a decent rapport with the guy.
Let us know how it goes.
Hey there Dereko,
I think that’s half the battle, when you enjoy yourself out there and look at it as a decent challenge for yourself rather than an almost impossible mountain to climb over.
Keep it up and you’ll have no probs I 'm sure. Good Luck with it all.
Always a difficult situation when a trainee feels the trainer is not performing very well. I can’t speak for all trainers but what basically happens is that the training methods used depend on several things. How long do you have to get him to test standard? The age and experience of the trainee, taking into account things like possible language barriers and even reading ability for the independent drive. Also and importantly the overall personality and nature of the candidate.
An experienced trainer that cares will have all this mentally sorted within an hour or so and a plan worked out that is best for that individual. This works equally well whether training 1:1 or 2:1
It’s no point advancing the trainees progress too fast and arriving at test standard too early. If that happens the decline sets in with over confidence and it often takes a retest to align the learning curve peak and the test time.
Very very occasionally but rarely there is a personality clash and problems occur but again an experienced trainer can spot this, not take anything personally and end up with the right outcome.
Finally a question. Is it the trainers job to teach or the trainees job to learn? It obviously needs both. It is a team effort requiring determination from both. You must trust each other.
Thanks for the replies guys, just on a break now so thought I’d update quickly
The original trainer is with us today and actually seems better, still corrects after mistakes are made and not usually before but I suppose it keeps me concentrating harder.
Did some reversing this morning and managed a couple good ones so much more confident now
After that we went and drove some tough roads and I think we’re doing some test routes and coupling this afternoon
Ill update later and let you know how it goes!
(I’m feeling a smiley today)
Ps, I absolutely agree that it’s a joint effort re training
I’ve done a training role in the past and there’s nothing worse than a student whose not interested or just doesn’t listen
But like I say, no issues today really, I think the instructor knows what he’s got to work with and seems to be getting on with that now
Finished day three with the worst of the test routes (which were pretty gruelling and needed a lot of concentration)
More of the same tomorrow … Jees, this week is flying by!!
Well day fours over, test tomorrow!
Instructor is actually quite constructive now, it’s like he was knocking down to build us up(bit like the army training)
I’m either 945 or 1145, feeling the nerves already! Brushed a couple kerbs today, on tight roads though so must make certain to give myself enough room tomorrow and keep the speeds right down until hazards are clear.
Im happy with the Reverse and uncoupling exercise so just got to concentrate on the driving
I’m sort of looking forward to it and think I’m ready, soon find out!
Keep your fingers crossed for me 
Still brushing kerbs at this stage is not good. Hopefully you will scrape through tomorrow.
Keep calm and take it in your stride.
PASSED!!! Woohoooo!
I was so nervy on the test and didn’t really settle so decided to slow everything down
Picked up 7 minors but most importantly, a blue certificate!
I found a lot of excellent advice on here, things like take each road and hazard at a time and don’t see it as an hours drive, look at it as manageable chunks.
I’m over the moon ! Ill add what my minors were for later so that it may help someone else going for test day
Congratulations! That’s 2 passed today!
Thanks bud, still got to do module 2+4 but looking in to some casual work with stobarts as I’m still quite busy at the mo
There’s a depot quite close by so should be good. Decent trucks and they take on newbs too
Not sure of the conditions for people like myself but ill just be happy to get a start and some experience! I wouldn’t tell them but I’d almost do it for free at the mo! 
Well done today. The team done well. The easy part is over. GL mate.
Well I feel a bit bad having been less than impressed with the instructor at the start but he actually built our confidence as the days went on
My minors were for… Slight hesitation at a roundabout, one for signalling, one for steering which was where a dust cart was parked awkwardly in the test centre causing me to stop. One where I took a shunt on the reverse (knocked out three slick reverse manouvres in the yard before setting off!!!)
For me I just kept telling myself I have the ability to pass and and stayed positive (although nervy) and took each section of road at a time. I can’t stress enough though, take it SLOW until the road opens up and the and only the look to get nearer the speed limits
If anyone has any questions about the test day, please pm ask here while its still fresh in my mind and ill do my best to help
Thanks for the positive comments guys, much appreciated
Hi again guys…
I’ve just found some casual work with a firm close by. I just need to do a couple of cpc classes(grandfather rights) and I’m good to go
On the form they ask what salary I expect.
I was going to enter an hourly rate but what would be a reasonable amount to put as my answer
Absolute newbie etc do I know it won’t be top rate
Any input is appreciated
Well Done on getting some work.
Hourly I wouldn’t ask for less than 8 even as a newbie.
Annual rate, 18k.
I am firmly holding my tin hat on so it doesn’t fall off.
Cheers for the reply bud
Good to have a ball park figure