milk tankers

is there a company in the preston area that runs these

SJ Bargh do subcontract work for Arla,north of Preston.(According to my mate who works for Arla.)

Why do you ask?


is there a company in the preston area that runs these

did 2 days yuk to dirty n smelly for me hehehe

SJ Bargh do subcontract work for Arla,north of Preston.(According to my mate who works for Arla.)


whats arla like they are only 2 mins from me. ( in leeds )

It all depends on which side of the operation you work on.

They’re both on shifts.4from7 for 7 weeks,and then 5from7 for 7 weeks,on the collection in tanks side,but don’t know about the delivery operation.

Delivery=£22k (?) plus overtime.
Collection=£20k plus overtime.(Just had a £2.5k rise to that.)
Equipment under 18 months old.
£23 short notice rest day payment,plus a days normal pay.

My mate works on the collection side,and the hardest thing he does,is connect the pipe at the farm.

There may be other things I’ve missed,and I’m sure someone will post.


It all depends on which side of the operation you work on.

Equipment under 18 months old.


…unless you’re running for Arla out of Meadow Foods, HOSM in which case its a W or X reg FM10 380 8 speed with a requirement of a minimum of 600,000km on the clock. There’s at least 3 there with 950,000km+ on. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Best part is they all drive better than alot of 12-18 month old ones. God bless full maintenance leasing schemes.

Hell, even the shunter, an old FL10, I remember driving when it was brand new.

it seems every sight is diffrent

tankers at ashby work 6 on 3 off the money is no where near 22k a year

store deliverys are 5 from 7 which means you get split rest days , when i workrd for them my run was 3 am start evey morning with sunday and tuesday off so you was only getting 36 off at the time and making the othr 9 up in the week.

most of the kit is good mainly erf (new style man cab) or volvo fm12 globbies .

the only reason im not there now is the split rest days



It all depends on which side of the operation you work on.

Equipment under 18 months old.


…unless you’re running for Arla out of Meadow Foods, HOSM in which case its a W or X reg FM10 380 8 speed with a requirement of a minimum of 600,000km on the clock. There’s at least 3 there with 950,000km+ on. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Best part is they all drive better than alot of 12-18 month old ones. God bless full maintenance leasing schemes.

Hell, even the shunter, an old FL10, I remember driving when it was brand new.

Is Tich Batty still driving for them?