Mike Walker

Hi All
Does anyone know if Mike Walker is still around ?
Last I heard was that he was working as a security guard somewhere in Poole !
But that was many years ago.
I used to run with Mike quite often and Boy !did he do a quick trip. We were down to Doha, tipped and back to Istanbul in 13 day’s one trip!!!
I didn’t do many like that…but Andrew Wilson young, Rick Ellis and Mike Walker did it regular. I was lucky if I could do 8 or 9 trips a year.But then again, I didn’t have a mortgage or a family in those days.
What happened to Alison Moss ■■ I used to load back for her, never a problem to get paid.

Hi Gavin, Last time I seen Mickey was at John Willie’s funeral, that was a few years back.

Alison Moss I have a few stories about when I was running Whisky into Bulgaria for her, but those will have to wait until later ( no time now).


Hi Guys

Tut -Tut bad girl our Alison heard she was up north Ash is trying to find her for his book I will check with Jeff Wood the Astran shunt driver post ASAP

Roger Haywood

Did you have a white 142 at some point during the mid eighties ? I seem to remember chatting to you in Poole harbour waiting for the Cherbourg boat !!

Alison Moss,
Alison had a contract to run whisky from Dumbarton to Bulgaria, on the surface every thing looked ok, but some parts of this job seemed a bit strange, when we arrived in Sofia we were told to park in the duty free park at the Motel Bozhur (sp) and wait to be contacted by an agent,if the agent could produce a fax that was identical to the one I had then all was ok.

The procedure was to give the agent your TIR Carnet & all papers then follow him to the unloading point, now this is where things really got strange, unloading could be in Council Yards, Farm Sheds, in fact anywhere that did not look official. He would then go off with the papers only to return in less than an hour with everything stamped, Stamps looked OK, but less than an hour in Bulgaria, bells are going off. when I queried this with Alison I was told this was for security.

Anyway, after having tipped on one trip, I was parked at the Motel, when a few of Brookies’s wagons arrived, followed by half the Bulgarian Police Force, All were arrested, the wagons impounded, It seems that the local Mafia had a nice little earner re-exporting the whisky without paying any duties on it.

It turned out that the stamps were genuine, but the customs officer was operating a bit of private enterprise. After a few days the Drivers were released, but that was the end of that job.

Until the next time.(more to follow).


Hi Dave
Here’s a pic, recognise it ?

Gavin S

Hi Gavin, I don’t remember that being taken, on closer inspection I appear to have an Efes glass in my hand, although the contents don’t look like Efes.
Assume this was taken in Turkey?


Hi Dave
I seem to remember taking that photo in Oktay in Stefan’s truck.
Me,Stefan on Umika, Red Leader One and Buttons were having a Absolut Kontrol and you came and joined us with an Efes in hand.

Thought that sweater looked familiar

Hi All

What happened to Alison Moss ■■ I used to load back for her, never a problem to get paid.

I’m here Gavin… reading up on what you all used to get up to! Was pointed in this direction by Ashley.


Hi Allison, nice you see you are still around, lets have some stories from the other side.

Hi Allison, nice you see you are still around, lets have some stories from the other side.

Hello Dave - good to hear from you. I dont get to talk about the “old” days much and this is bringing back a lot of happy memories. I’m afraid I dont have tales like you all do having just sat behind a desk (apart from once when I made it to Iraq)! I’ll just have to chip in when I can… like, I dont remember anything funny about the Whisky… :bulb: Would you like me to see if I could find you any Whisky loads to take out now?


Are u refering to the trip u did with Trevor Long to Baghdad,



Are u refering to the trip u did with Trevor Long to Baghdad,


Hello Roger,

To name but one of the drivers!

Hi Allison

Nice to hear from you what you up to now have you still got that cat who brought in the hedgehog when you had that place down from the yard must be old now :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Im in touch with John Bruce every two weeks ,Barry Barnes keeps going AWOL ,and Tony Somerson has lopped of another finger.Jeff Wood pops in every now and then ,but he is a bit of a loner now,Am Married now got two stepsons and one of my own who is now 17,I miss you all must have a get together soon did you like my rendition of Java John being Javanese brought a few :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: take care be good that will be difficult I know.



Are u refering to the trip u did with Trevor Long to Baghdad,


A bit of a naughty comment Rita… But well returned sheeplady…

hi Red

Wasnt ment to be naughty Allison did a few trips but I think the first was with the Wing Commander ,im sure Allison will correct me if i’m wrong ,the others were with her Astran lover :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: smooth good looking guy wonder who that was :question: :question: :question: :question:


Staying with the thread of “Mike Walker” rather than the speculation of others…….
In my opinion Baghdad was a naughty place to take any Woman and personally would never have taken one beyond Istanbul or Ankara.
I know when Mike took his wife Pam to Baghdad it all went wrong and resulted in major problems for them both at Abu Graib …

In my opinion Baghdad was a naughty place to take any Woman and personally would never have taken one beyond Istanbul or Ankara.
I know when Mike took his wife Pam to Baghdad it all went wrong and resulted in major problems for them both at Abu Graib …
I would totally agree, once over the bridge, our “Western women” were viewed in a different light,partly I believe due to drivers handing out ■■■ magazines etc.
I remember once at Ramtha, a Jordanian border guard at the Cab control, asking me for “magazin ■■■” and asking whether my wife does this!! , gesticulating a ■■■■■■■ sign!! Oh dear, I f#*ked him off out of my cab quick smart!
Regarding Mikes unfortunate incident,that’s better off left in the bag eh!
But does anyone know where and how Mike is nowadays.

Hey Red

If you think I am speculating on others Im not I know about the problems and agree no european woman should go anywhere near baghdad ,but Turkey is so different as Gavin says beyond Ankara is Taboo,I was in Baghdad when Mike had his problems , Yes its best left alone ,as for Mike, Barry Barnes might know or John Bruce will check it out with John,Barry I beleive is out of the country
