Middle Lane Hoggers....

I am now going to be one, I dont care if at times I will look all lonesome and that other drivers will flash me in, I aint going in. I have been doing the M25 everyday now for the last three weeks and I am sick to death of selfish lifeforms who will not let you out, when you want to pass a car driving pleb doing 45 - 50 mph in the inside lane......I will now just use the middle lane the whole time. :imp: :imp: Dont care, not breaking any laws, just holding up other car drivers as I pass most HGV`s anyways. :sunglasses: :smiley: :laughing:

I can just see you in the middle lane of three with a long queue of coaches up your tail and cursing you :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing:

I can just see you in the middle lane of three with a long queue of coaches up your tail and cursing you :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing:

Whoa…Bonus :sunglasses: Never thought of those :laughing: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Great. Another whined-up merchant on the M25, as if we 'ent got enough already.

If you can’t get out because what’s already in the lane is too close, you should act earlier. Don’t forget it’s you that’s supposed to wait until it’s safe, not for those already there to give way. It’s like those drivers that drive straight out into lane one from any slip road on any motorway or duel carriageway. They take it for granted all the drivers are going to give way to the only one that crosses a give way line.

Great. Another whined-up merchant on the M25, as if we 'ent got enough already.

If you can’t get out because what’s already in the lane is too close, you should act earlier. Don’t forget it’s you that’s supposed to wait until it’s safe, not for those already there to give way. It’s like those drivers that drive straight out into lane one from any slip road on any motorway or duel carriageway. They take it for granted all the drivers are going to give way to the only one that crosses a give way line.

I have been doing that, going out early to pre-empt any hinderance of progression, when I indicate it is an indication of my intention to move into thet lane, if the car driver has enough safe space to move into the next lane, then I expect him/her to do so, it is called ‘flow’ When the myopic car driving [zb] cannot use the motorway properly and hinders my progress because I am trying not to hold them up more than neccesary…Then…When in Rome as they say, I am not a martyer to the cause of good professional driving standards, I am just one more number trying to make a living and trying to get home for some quality time with those that I love, if it means compromising my own standards, then so be it :imp:

If you hate middle lane hogger that much have a sign made and stick it on the bumper of you car or truck

in big letters put this


it will get them thinking :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing:


Great. Another whined-up merchant on the M25, as if we 'ent got enough already.

If you can’t get out because what’s already in the lane is too close, you should act earlier. Don’t forget it’s you that’s supposed to wait until it’s safe, not for those already there to give way. It’s like those drivers that drive straight out into lane one from any slip road on any motorway or duel carriageway. They take it for granted all the drivers are going to give way to the only one that crosses a give way line.

I have been doing that, going out early to pre-empt any hinderance of progression, when I indicate it is an indication of my intention to move into thet lane, if the car driver has enough safe space to move into the next lane, then I expect him/her to do so, it is called ‘flow’ When the myopic car driving [zb] cannot use the motorway properly and hinders my progress because I am trying not to hold them up more than neccesary…Then…When in Rome as they say, I am not a martyer to the cause of good professional driving standards, I am just one more number trying to make a living and trying to get home for some quality time with those that I love, if it means compromising my own standards, then so be it :imp:

Sorry att, couldn’t give a rats arse about the subject in question at the moment but I did want to applaud the number plate stylie dodge. Nice ! :grimacing:

Well, tried it out on the M25 today and the M23, it works :smiley: :smiley: Plus folk are reluctant to pass you on the inside when the road surface is uneven, causing the truck to weave about a bit, plus a bit of wind doing the same :grimacing: :grimacing:
Can`t wait for another go tomorrow!!!

Ive never understood why in the middle of the night, on a deserted motorway people drive in the middle lane :confused:
Im not undertaking them, I go into the middle lane, give a looooong flash of the mainbeam, overtake as normal then return to the inside lane - I was in my car btw :wink:

i do the same daf