Middle east documentry

Mine arrived this morning

Mine too, just settling down with a glass of wine…

Mine arrived Saturday not had time to sit down and watch it yet

To Marky And Truckerash, You are both right, I met up with the Astrans lads later on the same trip.
They did stage a bog down for the camera, but not lomg after they had dug out they got bogged down diff deep for real, so they filmed it again. I cant remember which shoot they used on the documentory though.

Thank you Rocky - I learned several years ago that there had been a bit of ‘artistic licence’ used - purely for demonstration purposes you understand… :wink: :wink:

The uncut version would have been the pearl in the oyster with Gerry Wheelan included. His antics were hilarious, jumping around doing his BBC “This is Gerry Wheelan on location down town Babel Hawa” Needless to say it was not included……shame…