Mick Ekersley

Where is Mick anybody know.

Where is Mick anybody know.

did Mick in the 1980s have a long black beard ?.
Was he from up North and did he pull for Whittles near Preston ?
Was he a really nice guy and drove a red Volvo F88 down to the Middle east ?

Regards Steve.

Hi Steve, Yes Mick was or is from Rotherham area I think, Last time I run with him he had a orange ERF left ■■■■■■.

Hi Steve, Yes Mick was or is from Rotherham area I think, Last time I run with him he had a orange ERF left ■■■■■■.

Hi Dave,
I hope that this is the same guy, his name was Mick, he was I.I.R.C. really laid back and always reminded me of Dillon in the Magic Roundabout.
He is the one with the black beard and he drove that red Volvo F88.
Other drivers in the photos are John Conneely, Taff, ( I can’t remember his second name ) and looking at the white D.A.F. I think it’s one of Hick’s from South Wales and it might be Alfie Jones. I can’t tell who’s the other truck is.
These were taken in 1987 and if its the same Mick , he is probably still there. :laughing:

I dont know why I have four lots of Kavala Beach photographs, all taken on different trips and John Conneely seems to be there on two different occasions. :confused:. Did he ever do any work ?

I hope that this is of interest to you Dave,
Regards Steve.

Who are these blokes then ?

I dont know why I have four lots of Kavala Beach photographs, all taken on different trips and John Conneely seems to be there on two different occasions. :confused:. Did he ever do any work ?
I hope that this is of interest to you Dave,
Regards Steve.

No more than was absolutley neccesary. Some things never change :laughing: