Just wondering if anybody on here worked for the infamous “MFP International” running out of Swindon.Locally they were known as “Major F!!!g problems”.
Drove for them meself in the late 80s on the “Italian job” and i must admit ,working for them was an experience to say the least !!
After that was driving for James Nicholas - Happy days !!

Did they run F16 volvos ■■? and had a f89 restored that they also used to
send abroad ■■? or am i getting mixed up ?

They ran silver F16 Gobbstoppers for a while then Magnums on the livestock.
Things seemed to start going a bit “■■■■ up” when they started doing more general/groupage to Italy !!
Cant remember the F89 but Rex Trotman used to run them who was also based on a farm nr Swindon.

Yeah i remember them silver and red from memory with livestock trailers,
i could have sworn they had an f89 white and red but maybe i am wrong.
Tidy kit .

Think they had white,red and blue Magnums first, then tag axled silver ones after that. I think the infamous Mr Tapper ended up with them on his "hire " fleet.

Never ran red ,white and blue Magnums - only silver,mostly dented from getting bricks and whatever thrown at them by the wonderful animal rights protesters at Dover or Shoreham . .Happy days !! Also theF16 drivers used to give Gilders V8 pilots 30mins head start from Bordeaux, and still beat them to Cherbourg but as they say thats another story :laughing: