"Merge in turn"

Or the zipper, as it’s known in Europe.

Cant’ sleep, so will give you another rant :wink:

The situation from the last week. Roadworsk on A9. I had a drop in the village before it, but I had to stay in the queue on the left lane, as they are queued in one lane only and queue was so long that it stretched well before my exit. Finally, I decided to go to the right lane, go forward this 400 metres and then turn left from the right lane - thanks to nice car driver, who let me go. Saved myself a two minutes or so. So we can see one thing:

If the queue would be on the both lanes, it would be twice shorter, therefore it will start AFTER exit for the village, therefore the people who go to that village would not need to queue, therefore the queue will be shorter!

Ok, but what happened next?

I rejoined the road and there was a queue still. I came to the right lane and go on that lane willing to do a zipper. But the ARR CRAIB driver decided that I should to queue on left lane as well, and he have to punish me for being smarter than he, so he cut in front of me forcing me to brake sharply.

I then had to stay behind him. OK, the traffic in front of him was then smoother, but it does not helped behind us, as people who were on the right lane saw him blocking the whole road and decided to joing the left lanes where they were at the moment, causing chaos and delays for people already on the left lane.

I’ve been so ■■■■■■ that I did something I maybe should be ashamed off - I overtook the CRAIB lorry after the roadworks, then pulled in front of him and slowed down to 40mph before the hill. If he slowed me, I slowed him. But maybe that’s the way to teach idiots to go their own way? If you want to queue on the left lane, do it, but let others drive in civilised way using the zipper method. If the people who do roadworks would like us to cut to the left lane miles before the roadworks, they would put the signs “Merge in turn NOW” miles before the lane ends, not at its end.

But if you are not an idiot, look at this:


It’s in German, about experiment done to show how it should look like.

Look from 3:20.

You have how it should be done. Both lanes are used to the end, then cars are pulling to the one lane in the same place (ignore cars in the back, they don’t take part in experiment).

See how smoothly it’s going?

Look then from 4:50 or 6:10

You have how it looks in reality:
Cars are cutting to the right whenever they think it’s needed. Agressive drivers from the right lane don’t want to let the “smart ones” get in front of them.

In result you got complete mess, and if there would be more participating cars in experiments, the fluctuations would slow and slow traffic until it will hold to stop. Typical British (or Polish) situation.

Most drivers then would try to stay on the left lane, when some “smart ones” will try to go to the end of the right lane (or opposite, as it’s in Germany) and when pull to the main stream, cause the others to brake.

I am always trying to use the ending lane to the end. Why?

  • if we all change lane in the same place, the left lane would move much smoother, as there will be only one place when fluctuation will occur - the end of the lane - and the disturption for the left lane will be regular - one car vs one car. When we change lane before, there would not be the same place for everyone, as one will realise that he needs change the lane in different place than the other. Therefore if you are on the left lane, you’ll never know how many cars will pull in front of you. Therefore many people would not let the right lane cars to change lane.
  • if we queue on the both lanes, the queue will be twice shorter. It’s important for the people who would like to leave the motorway before the road narrows.
  • if you want to queue on the left lane, you are free to do so. But if you want to join me on the right lane, you are free to do so also. If every second car will do what I am doing, there will be no issues of “smart ones jumping the queue” as the zipper at the end will work and everyone will go through the obstruction in order.

No,… no no no no…

C’est impossible! Here in Blighty we MUST have everyone stacked up for 300 miles in 1 lane with lanes 2 and 3 sitting empty (to preserve the life of the tarmac? Nice, thoughtful drivers!) and a great big bloody truck every 200 yards making sure no-one ruins that special tarmac that must NOT be driven on !

There was a big discussion on this only a week ago anyway so no need to start another thread. :unamused:


Orys, you obviously haven’t spent quite enough time in britain to understand a few things :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: We in britain pride ourselves on our queueing skills. In 2012, at the London olympics, we expect to get at least 3 gold medals for the best queues in the world. When we queue for say, roadworks, it is our natural instinct to follow the person in front of us, if someone “pushes in” whether in a Post office queue or a road queue, we consider it to be, “not quite the British thing to do” Take a look at the old films of Dunkirk if you don’t believe me.I’m sorry but, having seen queues in other countries around europe, especially russian queues where elbows and knees are used as deadly weapons, I think we are quite civilised!
I have to agree that the zipper method is much better than the “after you charles, NO after you claude” method we use in the UK, but some how it’s just “not cricket old boy” :smiley: :laughing: :wink:

The merge in turn just after the forth road bridge , just before newbridge is extremely dangerous. Someone is going to get killed there one day. They need to put in some sort of speed camera , you get 2/3 cars doing 80+ trying to get in front of you - then slam on the brakes.

Im not really a fan of merge in turn cos nobody lets you back in unless you force it. Its not as if you’re skipping it does say ‘‘use both lanes’’

Im not really a fan of merge in turn cos nobody lets you back in unless you force it. Its not as if you’re skipping it does say ‘‘use both lanes’’

We’ve got these on one of the main routes into Halifax

Since they’ve been put up, almost everyone can manage a proper zip merge. You still get the majority sitting in lane 1, but those of us that use lane 2 never have any problems. It’s just a shame people can’t manage it without being given explicit instructions :unamused:

Is it me, or, are women of a certain age [25-50, not inc], getting more and more aggressive behind the wheel ■■?

Is it the water they drink, or, do we blame the Bloody “Spice Girls” ■■?

It aint big ladies, and it certainlt aint clever :blush:

Mind, I did get a wave and a very nice smile from one “lady” this week, which, in this day and age is VERY rare :open_mouth:

Too much Vkick + Redbull IMHO :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Whatever system is introduced, those that have a god given right to be in front will exercise that right.

The merge in turn just after the forth road bridge , just before newbridge is extremely dangerous. Someone is going to get killed there one day. They need to put in some sort of speed camera , you get 2/3 cars doing 80+ trying to get in front of you - then slam on the brakes.

Im not really a fan of merge in turn cos nobody lets you back in unless you force it. Its not as if you’re skipping it does say ‘‘use both lanes’’

that is the worst bit of road and wasnt upgraded long ago yet they take a 2 lane 70mph stretch of motorway and expect you to merge into a single lane slip road to then join a 3 lane section of motorway traffic which usually has alot of traffic which is in lane 1 which becomes lane 2 when the m9 slip and the m9 meet just before newbridge.

there is always a queue here especially during rush hour, most of the time 2 trucks sit side by side going along there so idiot car drivers get cant be kamakazi drivers when they get to the end. tho if i dont have a truck next to me and land 2 is empty by the end i will stick the truck in the middle of the road, ive had far too many people using the white hatchings to get round me then slam the brakes on infront of me, really dont want to test my brakes on an off camber downhill corner