
Hiya Folks

I’m almost embarassed to ask this but can anyone suggest places to buy manufacturing merchandise. ie Scania, Volvo, Daf etc.

I’ve got a nice Scania fleece but it’s getting a bit long in the tooth and a friend who is really into Scania likes it but doesn’t have one.

I’ve had a look around but my search engine stuff isn’t working properly. I think I’ve left my brain unplugged for too long from the ethernet :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

eBay is always a good place to start.

For the foreign manufacturers, try searching outside the UK. (You might need a translator for some the descriptions though!)


Scania bits from a scania dealer

Volvo bits from a volvo dealer


Daf bits from a daf dealer

etc etc etc

No being serious for a minute

If you look on the internet at manufacturers websites they will list all the dealers, chose one close to you and pay them a visit, there not too many places that sell them on line, Don’t be embarassed, the dealers tend to sell almost as many hats, coats, etc as they sell parts,

Most manufacturers have a accessories brochure with all the goodies in :laughing:

I also happen to know that scania fleeces are amazingly cheap at the moment, (Inside information do you know) :wink:

Thanks Killsville and DiscoPete :slight_smile:

I tried the local Volvo place and they looked at me blankly, so I just crept out…

smeserver you have a PM

I also happen to know that scania fleeces are amazingly cheap at the moment, (Inside information do you know) :wink:

I do as well - I got a brand new (still in the bag with tags) Scania jacket on eBay for less than a tenner

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
The local Scania dealer is amazingly cheap.
3 T - shirt for my boy @ £12 inc VAT, wolly hat @£2.50 and a jacket for less than 20 quid is good value in anybodys book.
Volvo are just as good but don’t have as much choice.
DAF, ERF and Foden have limited availability but some of the Renault stuff is quite good.
All depends what your after and whether your local dealer is interested in selling it.
Gimme a shout if your after Scanny stuff, if Union Trucks dont have it, they can normally get it within 24 hrs!
Happy shopping :sunglasses:

Leather base ball cap (yes ■■■■■ I know! :wink: ) Marmaris market, Turkey cost pennies. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I use to pick up all sorts of stuff from vehicles we offhired when I drove for a rental company.
Some of which wa clean enough to find its way home.

I use to pick up all sorts of stuff from vehicles we offhired when I drove for a rental company.
Some of which wa clean enough to find its way home.

Oh you poor thing you… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

TruckNetUk fleeces are available at a competitive cost. :unamused:

TruckNetUk fleeces are available at a competitive cost. :unamused:

Ooooh… Where from :slight_smile:

Link? Prices? Details ■■ :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

TruckNetUk fleeces are available at a competitive cost.

Since when?


TruckNetUk fleeces are available at a competitive cost. :unamused:

They are■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Have you a little sideline going Ken… :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :wink: :wink: :wink:

The company that did produce our fleeces/Polo shirts has been uncontactable for a number of months now :confused: :frowning:
After the end of March I will look for another supplier, until then as far as I know there are non available… but if anyone knows different !!..

Oops. Got that wrong then. :blush:

Oops. Got that wrong then. :blush:

We all make mishtakes :slight_smile:

DiscoPete was good enough to help me out with some information, of which I’ll follow up on in the morning, and I’m still working on the others :slight_smile:

So when is the TruckNetUK Range going to restart then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I can supply woolie jumpers at a reasonable cost…

Unfortunatly there is a 12 Year waiting list.

My missus started knitting a scarf 12 years ago and it still isnt finished!

the knitting machine cost me £800!

The most expensive scarf I never got!

Oh BTW jumpers are £29,900 each! with a 10% deposit required in advance :smiley:

Oops. Got that wrong then. :blush:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

smeserver, for Scania stuff, and most of it you wont get in G.B, try Beers in Holland. They are a very big Scania dealer, think they also got place in Belgium and i recall seeing one in Germany as well. Type Beers Scania into search engine and see what comes up. When i had a Scania i got a fleece or two and a jacket or two etc, and none of the stuff i got was available in G.B.
Happy hunting :smiley: