Mercedes Actros EPB Fault code

Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone knows what the red EPB warning symbol means? It came up on the dash today of my Actros and would not clear. But after a stop it did not reappear. So has it been miraculously cured or should I be worried?

It’s the electronic braking system (ABS etc) - it may have been for the truck or the trailer. Sometimes if the air has been very low it can come on. As it’s an Actros it may have just been a random light - they do that sort of thing all the time. However, as it was red keep an eye out for it and if it shows again contact service.

That’s great thanks. Just had an airbag changed and although this is not to do with braking I guess all the air has been out of the system and this could have caused a blip in the system. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone knows what the red EPB warning symbol means? It came up on the dash today of my Actros and would not clear. But after a stop it did not reappear. So has it been miraculously cured or should I be worried?

Once they think they’ve detected a problem a red dash warning won’t clear until a complete stop and restart. As you say some work was carried out changing an air bag beforehand, from my experience this is a big hammer job :grimacing: and could have dislodged some crud which interrupted one of the many sensors from reading properly until it cleared out of the way.