Mental Health Suitability

Saner people in Broadmoor than on this site. You come on here for a bit of advice and get [zb] with time on their hands (probably fiddling their hours) taking the ■■■■. No wonder it’s a job with a bad reputation.

[zb] in all walks of life I suppose. Not much you can do about it. So I’ve had a few problems in my life. Luckily for some you’ve been dealt a better hand of cards.

I hope a few of you [zb] never have a disabled child as I expect you’ll take the ■■■■ out of him/her.

Have a read through this thread mate, as that should answer why you’re being greeted with a certain amount of scepticism…



What have people got planned for the weekend?

Let’s try and salvage this thread and turn it into something remotely interesting, because the OP is so out of his depth with this one it’s actually fallen into the realms of embarrassingly cringe worthy.

Oh and edit:

For your information my youngest son is ASD, if you know what that is hopefully you’ll be embarrassed enough by your ■■■■ poor attempt at humour to now stop.

I have very mild ASD myself. I’m sure you are a good dad. You were not among the couple I was referring to as you hadn’t said anything untoward.

It would appear that some people come on here, which I assume you refer to as trolls. I assumed when the word was mentioned it was more akin to bullying. So I assumed one or two of you were trolling me.

I have read thread evilbeezle mentioned so I can see the scepticism. But sometimes people can be genuine. It’s not pleasant to be singled out in this way.

Some above eg roymondo gave me advice without assuming I was taking ■■■■ or doing this trolling business. To be honest first time I used a computer was at the theory test centre. You wont find me on twitter, facebook, etc…

Anyway like you said best call it day. Maybe not the right career for me.

OK, let’s put this thread on topic! :smiley:

Stress is a largely self inflicted issue, although there are cases in this game where it seems to be the planners job to inflict this upon you! :open_mouth:
So it’s hard to say whether you will find the job stressful, as it will probably depend on you and which firm you work for.

I think it’s safe to say that everyone finds it stressful to start with, as you’re learning the game and how to drive a large vehicle (which is different to driving a car!) You’ll probably have a few scrapes in the first few weeks and months and question whether you’re cut out for the job. Plus for me the first couple of weeks of trying to keep my left mirror out of hedges was a constant worry. But as your confidence grows and you relax more and more in to the job it gets easier and less stressful. Plus as you gain experience you’ll have more choice over the work you want to do, and which firms you’ll be able to work for. Newbies are normally forced into the crappiest type of work (often food service delivery) with firms like Bidvest (366), Brakes, P&H, Hovis, Muller, Co-Op, Warbertons, etc… with all of these jobs envolving parking outside crappy little stores, shops, restaurants, pubs, etc and ■■■■■■■ stuff into them. OK if you’re young and fit and looking for a free gym membership, but not my cup of tea… If you’re looking for an easier life it’s better to get your class 1 (artic) licence and the work changes to having very little interaction with the load, as it’s generally taken off by a forklift or other people. Yes the reversing is harder in an artic, but you’ll probably not get sent to the same sorts of deliveries as a class 2 (rigid), There will normally be more space and artic’s expected. It doesn’t always mean that the reverses are easy, but then the stress of that is down to you. Can you handle taking 10 shunts and laughing at yourself while others watch on or attempt to help you■■?

Thanks for advice. That’s why I came on here. No need for all the ■■■■ taking.

Thanks for advice. That’s why I came on here. No need for all the ■■■■ taking.

To be fair mate, and as I’ve tried to show you with that other thread, people are naturally a bit guarded when someone comes on and goes a bit over the top with their title post. So don’t take it to heart pal…

What I would say though, is that you’ll need a thick skin in this game, as the ■■■■ taking never stops! :smiley:

Thanks for advice. That’s why I came on here. No need for all the ■■■■ taking.

You post ■■■■■ like this…

I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for blind side reversing advice, I can’t help you. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career in the police and a brief spell in Broadmoor. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let me have a go in your truck, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

And this…

Saner people in Broadmoor than on this site. You come on here for a bit of advice and get [zb] with time on their hands (probably fiddling their hours) taking the ■■■■. No wonder it’s a job with a bad reputation.

[zb] in all walks of life I suppose. Not much you can do about it. So I’ve had a few problems in my life. Luckily for some you’ve been dealt a better hand of cards.

I hope a few of you [zb] never have a disabled child as I expect you’ll take the ■■■■ out of him/her.

And then have the Gall to say we’re taking the ■■■■?

GTFO! :unamused:

I take it back. You are not much of dad are you. Just told you i have mild ASD and you still can’t let up.

If you were not such a thick ■■■■ you would have seen the first quote was humour. Someone listed a picture of liam neesan I assume from the film Taken. That was the quote edited for a truck environment. Maybe that went over your head.

The other ones were a response to the ■■■■ taking.

it’s actually fallen into the realms of embarrassingly cringe worthy.

It has now! :laughing:

Saner people in Broadmoor than on this site. You come on here for a bit of advice and get [zb] with time on their hands (probably fiddling their hours) taking the ■■■■. No wonder it’s a job with a bad reputation.

[zb] in all walks of life I suppose. Not much you can do about it. So I’ve had a few problems in my life. Luckily for some you’ve been dealt a better hand of cards.

I hope a few of you [zb] never have a disabled child as I expect you’ll take the ■■■■ out of him/her.

would they not be going onto a dyalysis machine in the hospital to have that done ?

and dont forget that all those disabled children eventually grow up and get agency jobs,which is being disrespectfull to about half the dudes that look on this,plus a poke at the failing nhs hospital service around the country ran by her majestys goverment,which in turn is a comment against the owers that be that run this country with a derogatory impression against her majesty herself…and that my friend is nothing more than a lack of total respect of the law,and communisim leading to anarchy,(if you can imagine sherrif buford t justice at that point itl help the flow of that bit)…
and at 2-13 for this one.

theres definately no fun in this topic now…poor attempt…hopefully a better one next week. :slight_smile:

Stop posting then you ■■■■ and let it slide. Going by your posts you seem beyond disabled. The disabled would be shocked at the extent of your stupidity.

Thanks to the following for being helpful and gracious with their advice.

roymondo, dave-k, trevHCS, evilbeezle, jonnyboat.

■■■■ the others. Don’t hit any bridges red dieseldog999. Oh i forgot. You already did didn’t you. Not something you would want to share I know.

Stop posting then you [zb] and let it slide. Going by your posts you seem beyond disabled. The disabled would be shocked at the extent of your stupidity.

Thanks to the following for being helpful and gracious with their advice.

roymondo, dave-k, trevHCS, evilbeezle, jonnyboat.

[zb] the others. Don’t hit any bridges red dieseldog999. Oh i forgot. You already did didn’t you. Not something you would want to share I know.

red diesedog999■■?

by all means share what you think you have so we can all have a laugh.but id take a break from the mogadon for a wee while 1st so that your posts are a bit more coherent…starting to sound a bit like the dummys getting spat out now…theres no fun when its too easy…try harder. :unamused:

It won’t slide with a ■■■■ like you adding more to it. It’s not as though you have anything new to add. You’ve already offended every trucknet member with a disability or family member with one. They’ll remember you for that. Get a new name and start again pal.

Coherent? Look at your posts. Speaks for itself. Peter Sutclife is more articulated. Not so nice in other ways though. In fact he’s a ■■■■■ Something you both share.

Anyway let it slide. If you can’t understand I’ll be the man and let you have the last word.

Try not swallow any of that red diesel.


unless ■■■■ head wants to keep it going.

It won’t slide with a ■■■■ like you adding more to it. It’s not as though you have anything new to add. You’ve already offended every trucknet member with a disability or family member with one. They’ll remember you for that. Get a new name and start again pal.

Coherent? Look at your posts. Speaks for itself. Peter Sutclife is more articulated. Not so nice in other ways though. In fact he’s a ■■■■■ Something you both share.

Anyway let it slide. If you can’t understand I’ll be the man and let you have the last word.

Try not swallow any of that red diesel.


unless ■■■■ head wants to keep it going.

did you sneeze when you were poking the send button there,or did you hit it with your tongue by mistake>…but by all means please elabourate on by bridge strike or whatever you were refering to? i await your clarification with eager anticipation… :unamused:

So hang on let me get this straight, it’s now neccesary to check all sections of this forum for shenanigans and not just the main forum.

Anyway stress itself is just a state of mind it can be manipulated and reduced by self control and relaxation techniques. Course the more stressful the environment the harder the control.

For general day to day trucking with the odd pinch of strange behaviour by other road users not to mention ones own mistakes I find soothing oneself by turning off the radio focusing on me own thoughts and trying to remove emotion from situations can work wonders.

Forward planning, indicating early, driving a couple of clicks below the limit all help us reach that pure state of calm we all like.