Mental health issues!

Following the tragic stabbing to death of the lady in London the police have stated that the culprit, a Nowegian of Somalian descent was suffering from mental health issues. I think that we can take that as a given tbh, but is that the new PC and “don’t panic the masses” excuse for when any Jihadi strikes?

If so I have the perfect cure at hand for these mental health issues courtesy of some fellas with no mental health issues.


I think we all know the mental health excuse is probably bollox, but it then raises the issue about what are governments doing about mental health issues? So it’s possibly not the best excuse they can come up with, but guess it’s a bit tricky when we have weak minded Islamic nut jobs running around the streets with the security services as helpless as dipper’s ■■■■■!

But it’s OK people, we have a new crack force of coppers armed to the teeth out on show, just not near you! :open_mouth:

S’funny, within an hour or two the new psychiatric division of the met had diagnosed mental health issues, presumably before they knew his name or which branch of nothing to do with the religion of peace he came from, if i was a psychotherapist i’d be worried for me job cos the met mob can do the job in minutes.

As a precaution only you understand they flooded the streets with met ninjas armed to the teeth, presumably in case any more ‘‘loners’’ with mental health issues happened to be passing by…purely by coincidence you understand as lone knife wielding nothing to do with religions of peace mental health sufferers always go stark staring mad alone.

Maybe the public who read/watch/listen to the mainstream news swallow this bullcrap like good little drones, the rest of us have one message…stop ■■■■■■■ over us and telling us its raining.

Attacker named as Somalian origin, Norwegian passport holder, South London resident Zakaria Bulhan
otherwise known by the BBC as Phil…probably :unamused:

S’funny, within an hour or two the new psychiatric division of the met had diagnosed mental health issues, presumably before they knew his name or which branch of nothing to do with the religion of peace he came from, if i was a psychotherapist i’d be worried for me job cos the met mob can do the job in minutes.

As a precaution only you understand they flooded the streets with met ninjas armed to the teeth, presumably in case any more ‘‘loners’’ with mental health issues happened to be passing by…purely by coincidence you understand as lone knife wielding nothing to do with religions of peace mental health sufferers always go stark staring mad alone.

Maybe the public who read/watch/listen to the mainstream news swallow this bullcrap like good little drones, the rest of us have one message…stop ■■■■■■■ over us and telling us its raining.

Attacker named as Somalian origin, Norwegian passport holder, South London resident Zakaria Bulhan
otherwise known by the BBC as Phil…probably :unamused:


Are you sure that’s Phil and not Bjorg.Part of that well known large group of mad Viking raid re enactment fantasists who decided to move here around 15 years ago and who are obviously now on the watch list by the SAS sorry Met armed response division.

BBC latest news update.

Mental health issues my @rris! MET police in collusion with the Government using the BBC cto cover up yet another ISIS inspired atrocity!. One day soon the lid’s gonna blow off and this current PC brainwashed generation are going to have to get their faces out of their smartphones and do some fighting for their country :unamused:

the maoster:
Following the tragic stabbing to death of the lady in London the police have stated that the culprit, a Nowegian of Somalian descent was suffering from mental health issues. I think that we can take that as a given tbh, but is that the new PC and “don’t panic the masses” excuse for when any Jihadi strikes?

If so I have the perfect cure at hand for these mental health issues courtesy of some fellas with no mental health issues.

not very happy with you mr maosteryou almost outed me but luckily the flagpost :astonished:bscured me. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Couldn’t happen again in this day and age , they are all too busy sitting in teco’s waiting room .

m.a.n rules:

the maoster:
Following the tragic stabbing to death of the lady in London the police have stated that the culprit, a Nowegian of Somalian descent was suffering from mental health issues. I think that we can take that as a given tbh, but is that the new PC and “don’t panic the masses” excuse for when any Jihadi strikes?

If so I have the perfect cure at hand for these mental health issues courtesy of some fellas with no mental health issues.

not very happy with you mr maosteryou almost outed me but luckily the flagpost :astonished:bscured me. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Did you ever see the pic that Dipper Dave posted of him on the balcony? Bloody hilarious it was, hopefully he’ll come up for a breath off air soon and repost it. Still makes me giggle.
Ps, Mums the word, I’ll not post the pic of you unmasked painting the boathouse. :wink:

appreciate that mate. when you say painting the boathouse I assume you mean zebrugge and that’s why I missed the boat.
ps dd post that again as I never saw it.