Memo from the office

went some thing like, FTA have remapped there monthly reports we sign regarding our hours and any infringements, any infringements will be discussed with management team and driver with a signed plan for the future to improve, :cry: I have no problem with this except theres only one person that has any knowledge of driver hours and regs and he has only just passed his class2, would you expect management to give you a dressing down if they know jack, come to that would you sit down and take it :smiling_imp:

Surely they are just working from a report from the FTA and therefore donā€™t need to have a full knowlege of the rules. Donā€™t see the problem myself

FTA have remapped there monthly reports we sign regarding our hours and any infringements, any infringements will be discussed with management team and driver with a signed plan for the future to improve,

I think this is the important bit

Surely they are just working from a report from the FTA and therefore donā€™t need to have a full knowlege of the rules. Donā€™t see the problem myself

Nor me.

just wondering that all guys, thought the knowledge bit might be a hurdle if im going in for a lecture but if this is the norm I,ll go with flow :confused:

To me that states that both driver and management need to learn from the FTA report and need to discuss between them as to how to proceed from that point so that neither the driver or management get into trouble in the future

just wondering that all guys, thought the knowledge bit might be a hurdle if im going in for a lecture but if this is the norm I,ll go with flow :confused:

But thatā€™s irrelevant. They arenā€™t analysing the tachos, they will be looking at a report that says person x has a b and c infringements and hereā€™s what to do. Sign the bit of paper and bid them good day. Simple

went some thing like, FTA have remapped there monthly reports we sign regarding our hours and any infringements, any infringements will be discussed with management team and driver with a signed plan for the future to improve, :cry: I have no problem with this except theres only one person that has any knowledge of driver hours and regs and he has only just passed his class2, would you expect management to give you a dressing down if they know jack, come to that would you sit down and take it :smiling_imp:

I normally get a talking too about infringements by the polish bird on the briefing desk,she hasnā€™t got a clue what the infringements sheets mean,but the way she says in her deep polish accent,YOUā€™VE BEEN A NAUGHTY BOY :blush: :blush: :laughing: ,well I just sign it :wink:

any infringements will be discussed with management team and driver with a signed plan for the future to improve, :

And to learn to say NO :unamused:


just wondering that all guys, thought the knowledge bit might be a hurdle if im going in for a lecture but if this is the norm I,ll go with flow :confused:

But thatā€™s irrelevant. They arenā€™t analysing the tachos, they will be looking at a report that says person x has a b and c infringements and hereā€™s what to do. Sign the bit of paper and bid them good day. Simple

Yep thats pretty much what I do, though often a bit off sarcasm in the general direction off the planning team is good for a laugh.

then spend the next month saying NO, then get bored with that, and wait to sign infringments. Its a never ending circle :wink:

If youā€™re not happy with the office muppets ask to be interviewed by the transport manager, at least he/she should know the rules and advise you acordingly


went some thing like, FTA have remapped there monthly reports we sign regarding our hours and any infringements, any infringements will be discussed with management team and driver with a signed plan for the future to improve, :cry: I have no problem with this except theres only one person that has any knowledge of driver hours and regs and he has only just passed his class2, would you expect management to give you a dressing down if they know jack, come to that would you sit down and take it :smiling_imp:

I normally get a talking too about infringements by the polish bird on the briefing desk,she hasnā€™t got a clue what the infringements sheets mean,but the way she says in her deep polish accent,YOUā€™VE BEEN A NAUGHTY BOY :blush: :blush: :laughing: ,well I just sign it :wink:

Yeah I bet infringements arenā€™t the only thing going through your head are they? :laughing:

It is just to show that as a company they have a system for correction and improvement.

What exactly is contained within the ā€œsigned plan for the futureā€?

If it simply says the driver will not get any infringement for the next month or whatever period then you would be a fool to sign it. By signing you are agreeing to something you may breach, legally or otherwise, but at the same time giving the company grounds for disciplinary action (in their eyes).

Lets say you get blocked in on 5 miles of delays on the M6 causing you to go for 5 hrs before exiting at the first opportunity for a break. Thatā€™s an infringement but you have a reasonable excuse that would be accepted by any court, police or VOSA officer. But itā€™s still an infringement and as such puts you in breach of the ā€œsigned plan for the futureā€.

I am not saying donā€™t enter into the process, quite the opposite. You should engage with them in the drafting stage of the plan to ensure it is realistic and achievable whilst also containing appropriate safeguards.

It is just to show that as a company they have a system for correction and improvement.

Sounds like the Polish bird fits the bill nicely then :laughing:

You say the only person in the office is a young un thatā€™s just past his Class 2. I donā€™t see that. Surely your TM must have SOME idea of regs.

Besides, why not listen to the young un, or are you of the impression you already know everything and therefore canā€™t possibly learn from them?

If I were in your position Iā€™d listen and see what has to be said, then decide from there how to go about either getting fewer infringements or as others have said see if you can have a word with the TM as theyā€™re more likely to have the answers.

I fully expect to be flamed for daring to suggest an experienced driver can learn from someone with less experience.

He canā€™t have only just passed his Class 2. Cat C, maybe?

Itā€™s not his driving ability, itā€™s his knowledge of the regsā€¦which if it is up to date has nothing to do with if he can do a blindside reverse.

It wounds to me very even-handed, because you are being given an opportunity to point out how you were put in a position where you broke the regsā€¦which may have been not because of a mistake that you made, but a mistake someone in the office madeā€¦like assuming you can get round the M25 just as quickly at 5 pm on Friday as you can at 5 am on Sunday.

My advice. Donā€™t go off on one, but listen carefully to whatā€™s being said to you, and then explain politely why it happened. If it was down to another partyā€™s mistake or circumstances beyond your control then make some constructive suggestions as to how the situation could be avoided in futureā€¦by more sensible scheduling, customers making sure the load is ready as scheduled etc.

Start ranting and raving and you might feel better for 2 minutesā€¦but it wonā€™t do you any good long term. Believe me been there, done that.