
Did anybody watch megatruckers,the programme about john kelly and his firm heavy haulage australia with very flash motors,HHA has gone pop :open_mouth: ,somebody has put the article from the aussie newspaper on the drivers working overseas section…

Yeah used to watch it…Thought it was good…Think he merged his business with another heavy haulage firm…And then it all got a bit nasty.Read about it online sonewhere the other day…

Its not the first time he has gone bust either

i quite liked the programme, but always thought that those in the know in Austrailia probably looked at how Megatruckers showed HHA the same way as many of us thought of Stobarts trucks and trailers.

I think John Kelly seemed like a man who always sailed close to the wind in business, but I think most people like him do, sometimes they gamble and win and sometimes not. Reading round the Internet it seemed he invested in oil and gas exploration equipment and got caught out by the down turn in the industry and also his heavy investment in equipment to move heavy gear for mining. There was also critisism of his over specifying his trucks and trailers, which I think was a polite way in he spent a lot more than he needed to on blinged up equipment, when more basic kit would have done the same job.

Yep looks like Jon Kelly and HHA as gone the way of the dodo…Seems like he took his eye off the ball of the haulage side of the business and risked it all for oil and gas … wonder if he had any experience in the field…
Should have stuck to what he knew best…transport and logistics … 7420064949

I doubt he is rummaging in the bargain bin at the local Lidl, arrogant ■■■■ saw what was coming and sold a big chunk to another company, certainly won’t be giving any thought to his former employees if the tales I’ve heard are half true.