Anyone got any recommendations for driver medicals in Glasgow ? I looked on the website, but the only one near here is in ■■■■■■■■■■■ - which is a fair trek from where I am - is there anywhere in the West of Glasgow / City Centre-ish ?
My local doctor wanted to charge me… wait for it… £191 !! I LOL’d, and walked out My Own doctor is £85, which is a bit more reasonable, but still pricey !
Ah-hah ! Didn’t know Ritches had their own doctor, good tip - thanks ! Do they do the medical for you, even if you’re not doing the training through them ?
Ritchies in Glasgow do medicals for you, they have their own doctor on site. I got mine there at the start of the year and you don’t need to be training with them. I paid £50 and was in and out in no time. Give them a phone to book. It’s the cheapest medical I could find. Hope this helps