Meal voucher question

Hi everyone, sorry if this has been covered before but, do you deduct the meal voucher from your parking expenses then claim it back? i.e lets say for arguments sake you pay £15 for overnight parking with a £5 meal voucher included, I’ve been told by my boss I can only claim £10 because of tax reasons?? Basically I’d still need to eat (obviously) if I wasn’t stopping out, but my argument is that a dinner cooked by our lass wouldn’t cost me £5 or more!! Cheers for any feedback

Hi James
When we do nights out we claim the full cost back (£29 @ strensham last time) we get it back in cash when we put an expense sheet in and £22 into the bank as well.


Hi James
When we do nights out we claim the full cost back (£29 @ strensham last time) we get it back in cash when we put an expense sheet in and £22 into the bank as well.


Cheers Jeff, we get £18 in the bank and (£11 @ Lockerbie (paid £16))

Easy way round your gaffer not paying the food voucher every time he does it extra hour a day should cover it for the week.
Cost him more in the end for being a scrooge lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Never been a worry for me as i never eat in MSA’s being a tramper i am usually self sufficient, certainly would never spend a chunk of my wages on over priced luke warm/cold food,

tommy t:
Never been a worry for me as i never eat in MSA’s being a tramper i am usually self sufficient, certainly would never spend a chunk of my wages on over priced luke warm/cold food,

Agreed. If I’ve a high value load, and am required to park “securely” then I’ll claim back the cost, including meal voucher, and eat at maccies/BK. Otherwise, I cook for myself in the cab.