Meal Allowance

Qualifying conditions

  • the employee should have incurred a cost on a meal (food and drink) after starting the journey

This means you have to have bought one. If you take a pack up then you can’t claim and this is in the notes. On the HMRC website it mentions having proof i.e a receipt.

£15 a day tax free meal allowance @ stobarts.

This is correct. Was speaking to one of their drivers a few days ago… “Your on £10.50 an hour with everything taken into account” is what he was told by a Stobart gaffer. Actual rate was <£8.

A £15 a day tax free meal allowance is excessive and a blatant fiddle to lower the companies National Insurance bill with the added bonus of not being payable during holidays. Period.


Left hand down!:


Left hand down!:


Left hand down!:
Tenner if shift is 10 hrs or more. No receipt req. Says on HMRC site somewhere. Used to be a fiver.

Where does it say this ? My shifts are longer than 10 hours but I can only claim £2 a day

Left hand down!:
on HMRC site somewhere.

Where on the hmrc website , I can’t find it anywhere, can you put a link up for it ?

No. I’ve got better things to do with my time. I had to find out the correct info from there about hearing all the urban myths from threads on here, so there’s no reason why you can’t do the same.

Well pi s s off then you k n o b , don’t post that you know it all if you don’t want to help others …

Well pi s s off them you k n o b, don’t post that you’ve looked on HMRC when you haven’t because you can’t be ■■■■■■■ arsed, hoping that someone will do the legwork for you and spoon feed you the info. The link comes up straight away if you type in hmrc meal allowance or subsistence so it’s blatantly obvious you made no attempt to find it yourself you bone idle [zb].

So I take it that me taking a packed lunch, no nights, no food bought and an 11hour day maximum with no sleeper cab, means getting £21/day allowance wasn’t quite right?

The allowance rates changed in 2009 (I’ve just read about this, don’t know what the rates actually were) so maybe it was possible to claim higher amounts in the past

I don’t get the Stobarts thing though, and how it changed their hourly pay
do Stobarts actually give their drivers the allowance every day as a payment? So an extra 10 - 15 made every day rather than being able to claim the £10 tax free which equates to about £2 at best

Or do I have the wrong end of the stick??

So I take it that me taking a packed lunch, no nights, no food bought and an 11hour day maximum with no sleeper cab, means getting £21/day allowance wasn’t quite right?

Correct. :wink: Chances of getting caught are next to nought though.

yes it is for meal taken during work and NO they wont accept your weekly shopping bill!

the reciepts dont have to total the £10 etc. but must be for food bought during your working day.

The allowance rates changed in 2009 (I’ve just read about this, don’t know what the rates actually were) so maybe it was possible to claim higher amounts in the past

I don’t get the Stobarts thing though, and how it changed their hourly pay
do Stobarts actually give their drivers the allowance every day as a payment? So an extra 10 - 15 made every day rather than being able to claim the £10 tax free which equates to about £2 at best

Or do I have the wrong end of the stick??

Yes they get a meal allowance every day, if it is £15 a day now they probably think its a clever way of getting tax free earning when all it’s doing is lowering their hourly rate and lining the share holders pockets.

So they give their drivers the money, then put it through as expenses, so get 20% of it back??
Not quite following…and it doesn’t affect me but it wanna know :slight_smile:

£15 per day m/a here

It does make you wonder ,the only firm that gets named and shamed on this thread is one of the ones who pay one of the better m/a (£15) yet not a mention of the many firms who pay nothing/£2 p.h .
Sometimes you just can’t win :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:
N.b the ones who are having a pop maybe should post up there m/a ,firm (zzzzzzzz waiting for that too happen) .