May of been down but not out

So I made a thread the other day about how my shift on agency was finished after 5 months of being there (only supposed to be 1 week!) and being quite down about it as had no income.

Got a call from the agency there and they asked for a copy of my passport or something like that but they didn’t know that I was no longer at the council so she then proceeded to ask me if i’d be interested in taking an 18T’er down to Manc at about 1500, back for 0200. £10 ph bout £110 per shift.

Nothing for certain or finalized yet, want to find out stuff like what the lorry is and how old it is and not a VOSA magnet etc so should have more info by end of week.


I have said it before and I will say it again, I have every confidence in you doing alright. :slight_smile:

Sam Millar:
So I made a thread the other day about how my shift on agency was finished after 5 months of being there (only supposed to be 1 week!) and being quite down about it as had no income.

Got a call from the agency there and they asked for a copy of my passport or something like that but they didn’t know that I was no longer at the council so she then proceeded to ask me if i’d be interested in taking an 18T’er down to Manc at about 1500, back for 0200. £10 ph bout £110 per shift.

Nothing for certain or finalized yet, want to find out stuff like what the lorry is and how old it is and not a VOSA magnet etc so should have more info by end of week.


how does it matter what the lorry etc is? get your arse down there and drive it :grimacing: beggars cant be choosers :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


Sam Millar:
So I made a thread the other day about how my shift on agency was finished after 5 months of being there (only supposed to be 1 week!) and being quite down about it as had no income.

Got a call from the agency there and they asked for a copy of my passport or something like that but they didn’t know that I was no longer at the council so she then proceeded to ask me if i’d be interested in taking an 18T’er down to Manc at about 1500, back for 0200. £10 ph bout £110 per shift.

Nothing for certain or finalized yet, want to find out stuff like what the lorry is and how old it is and not a VOSA magnet etc so should have more info by end of week.


how does it matter what the lorry etc is? get your arse down there and drive it :grimacing: beggars cant be choosers :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I’m not going to take a lorry out where not an ounce of it is hanging right, that’s all.

Briscoe’s comment would have been aimed at the badge, not the condition.

And I’m inclined to agree. So long as its road legal and up to the job then it doesn’t matter what badge it has.

Yeah completely agree but that’s not what I was aiming at anyway as you can see :stuck_out_tongue:

Briscoe’s comment would have been aimed at the badge, not the condition.

And I’m inclined to agree. So long as its road legal and up to the job then it doesn’t matter what badge it has.

Indeed it was meant as in badge!

Sam Millar:
Yeah completely agree but that’s not what I was aiming at anyway as you can see :stuck_out_tongue:

I can now lol :grimacing: any update yet on the run?

Take a chance with it, dont kick up a fuss before you’ve seen the lorry either, go there and see for yourself.

Look at it another way if you never drive any junk then how do you know how good your chossen one is ?