MATS 2004 -Louisville

The Brits are at Mid American Trucking Show this year in force

there will be 5 moderators from the TruckNet UK website frequenting the various bars… I mean booths at louisville

we will be all easily identifiable as one of the UK site sponsors have provided us with T shirts sporting the slogan

Truck & Driver
TruckNet UK
MATS 2004
Brits on Tour
Wheres the Bar?

I fly out on Wednesday next week to spend a week with a Brit now working as an O/O in Atlanta … then we plan to take 2 days the week after travelling to MATS (2 days so we can stop off and get resoundingly drunk en route)

Look out for us… and if we are in the bar we might even buy you cold one

Personally I had great time this past two weeks. First week was spent with Rikki riding ‘shotgun’ in my truck, I think Rikki enjoyed it too. Read about it in T&D in the near future!
We then spent two days ridiing up to Louisville in my Pickup, stopping off in Nashville! :wink: , then again in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where we spent the night and spent a considerable amount of Dollars at some rather sleazy Redneck bar (which true to form, we closed!) in fact they stayed open longer just for myself and Rikki. ( we also drank them out of all their import beers too!).
We finally arrived in Louisville late in the afternoon the following day. I knew I was going to have a great week, when I turned on the telly and found whoever had been watching before had it tuned to ESPN, before the picture appeared I could hear the distnct sounds of an English Football game being played, I could’nt believe my eyes! it was the Chelsea V Arsenal game and it was live too! (the first time I had watched Chelsea live in over 14 years!), even tho’ the Gooners equalised it was still good to watch, kinda got me into a ‘natural high’.

First night at the bar we dropped almost $200 on the the tab, (not including all the individual drinks and rounds we had bought earlier!). That first night Bully passed out :blush: :laughing: , the rest of us expoited his predicament to the fullest!, much to the ammusement of everyone! :laughing: (and we got the pictures Bully! :blush: )
Well I’m not going into anymore detail until the others start posting, but we did have a rip roaring time, from the bars to the Clubs and to the actual show itself (even had a tailgate party too! :wink: :sunglasses: :laughing: ). Shame the bars ran out of Fosters tho’ :unamused:

WHOOOOO!!! Kristy and I miss you guys Cliff!!! We had such a great time! Not to mention I can’t hardly remember anything after 1am Friday. LOL Thank you for teaching us all the slang (we have used it quite a bit) and for some awesome memories of MATS 2004. I have some pics to email you, I will be getting them out soon. How was Coyotes Sat. nite? Give us a ring at the office sometime!!!


Whoo’ooo Dena, yeah we had a blast did’nt we!, I’m not suprised you don’t remember much after 1.00am :blush: :open_mouth: :wink: but you did continue to enjoy yourself for another two hours! :wink: much to everyones amusement! :blush: How many times did you fall off that barstool■■? :laughing:

I miss you girls too!, Glad you got home alright, hope we can do it again next year? (or even sooner in Atlanta?) :wink:

I bet you are really confusing everyone back in Missouri with all that English regular slang and the Cockney rhyming we taught you! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

HIya Dena!!.. Oh yeah, I think a great time was had by all… especially me… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

What a trip. I had a ball from start to finish. Yous girls were great fun to hang out with. I dont think I’ll ever forget my first Tail-Gate Party… in the car park on teh hotel… LOL…

Thanx for a brilliant time…hic :laughing: :laughing:

Hey Andy!!! Glad you could experience your first “tailgate” party withKristy and I. We had a blast! Can’t wait to get to England to see what it is like there! Hope you had a safe trip home (if that is where you are). Send me an email sometime and thanks for the chocolate!!! xoxoxoxoxo Dena

cliff whats this about you teaching septics cockny :question:
why dont you give all our secrets away :laughing:
how do we work the next wind up on trucknet usa now they will all know what we are talking about shame on you :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: