Mass Human Sacrifice incident predicted

Not wishing to steal the thunder of our resident loony tunes conspiracy theorists, who I am certain will be along soon with their own unique analyses of this prediction, but those who want an advance peek into the mental workings of “those who live among us” might be entertained by the latest from the insane-in-the-membrane brigade:

A massive human sacrifice event to coincide with the total solar eclipse of 8th April (visible in the US but not in Europe) :rofl:

Mass sacrifice event?
I thought the date had been announced for the next election.

Some will see significance in any/every thing.

It is interesting that evolutionary psychologists explain the benefits of seeing what may not really be there, but also valuable to see the harm it may also do.
In evolutionary terms it is better to see a “not really there” tiger in the shadows and avoid it rather than fail to see the real tiger. We evolved to see too much, rather than not see enough.

It is a pity that those who see (non-existent) patterns in life, and “cause and effect” where there is none, are subject to exploitation from too many charlatans.
The random effects of economic tides are all (they believe) part of a “master plan” by a god, or a cabal, or aliens, or…whatever.

Isn’t there someone in East Africa accused of doing just that recently?

We can only hope & wish.

Amhara region in Ethiopia?

This one is nearer to us.
Warning: Not funny at all.

Yes indeed.

But I think what I was referring to was further south in Kenyja.

Well… My mock-the-nutters attempt at humour seems to have fallen well and truly flat with all the talk about dead children and starving Africans.

Aye…sorry about that.


That X isn’t anywhere near Baltimore is it-have they heard that Carryfast and Winseer are on their way over?

No, but now it’s been mentioned, that’s just setting them a challenge :smile:

It seems especially nonsensical that whoever this “they” is would choose to launch a random attack on a fault line and do it during an eclipse (which are not linked to earthquakes) as some sort of cover.

i smell government cover up its not the moon blocking the sun its ufo’s that the governments of this world have angered by kidnapping and torturing aliens at roswell etc. they could easily send a high powered energy beam into the fault causing mass earthquakes all along the line.

Nothing happened during the 21st August 2017 one, so why should anything happen during this one?

THAT is the “Conspiracy” here.

The Eclipse is more likely to be an omen of forthcoming disaster, rather than the precipitation of the disaster itself

Pity those people in Carbondale, Il. who live in that crossover point on the map above… TWO total solar eclipses visible in the same town just a few short years apart?

…Betchya that every Hotel, Pension, B&B etc will be charging top dollar all along that eclipse track THIS time around…

I was in Baden Baden, Germany for the 11th August 1999 total solar eclipse, not wanting to take the chance that the Cornwall viewing would be rubbish (which it was…) or trying to view it elsewhere along the track like my Brother did (Budapest) or a mate of mine who thought he would see it in Turkey, but alas was in the wrong part of Turkey, and totally missed it…

It didn’t happen because in Africa they usually eat the evidence.

Wot? They got promised the Moon, and they ate it instead? :astonished:

They were promised the moon and got eaten instead at least in the case of Africa.By all accounts getting an invite to an Idi Amin dinner party wasn’t a good thing.

‘Quote…: ‘90 bodies found at a Pastor’s ranch in Kenya’’…
Anything that gets rid of a pile of religious fruit cakes is ok by me…What’s not to like.

If they want to top themselves on mass (no pun intended btw) who tf cares exactly?

Speaking of religious nut jobs, …just this afternoon, M6 n/b car blocking the emergency lay by on a 4 lane section,.2 Herberts on their mats praying to Allah.
Just imagine limping to that lay by in your 44 tonner, just making it to find those 2 ■■■■ 'in balloons blocking it up.

Where tf were the Old Bill.?
I suppose even if somebody reported em the Coppers would be instructed to leave them be in case it ‘upset their religious beliefs’ :roll_eyes:

■■■■■■ religions I hate em all.

apparently a 4.8 earthquake has preceded the eclipse that is supposed to happen on the 4/8 (American date format ) the powers are out there


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Keep away from piles of bricks…