Market research

Ah’m OOT!

To be honest…
that video is not realistic at all, and shows a problem that doesnt exist, anyone with an ounce of sense would stand away from the truck to throw the strap over the roof.

I think you have designed and created a brilliant answer to a problem that simply doesnt exist.
In my honest opinion your market is tiny at best or non existant in reality

sorry to be blunt, but if there is a market for this I will eat my hat

I just watched a rerun of TopGear where Clarkson was eating his own hair, so be careful Rikki :laughing:

This is as you say, it’s fixing a problem that doesn’t exist, it will also have unintended consequences as others have pointed out, but and it’s a big but, they won’t be marketing it to the people that use it, it will be marketed to the HSE idiots, look at the crap that we have to do now in the name of health and safety, the majority of that is unnecessary and totally pointless, yet we still have to do it, I would not be at all surprised to see this being SOP at some companies very soon :unamused:

i appreciate the clip is not that detailed, but how many times have you had to get on the platform and make sure that the strap is in the right position, or untwist it, even strap double deckers, you can do all this from the ground.
not sure what to market it at?

Manufacturing cost in China ■■ Maybe $3.00 USD maximum if only bought in units of 2000 pcs MOQ pay more than that and they are robbing you :wink:

Shipping costs for say 50 Cartons would cost you around £600 FOB (Free on Board Ship)

Delivery in UK another £300

Import Duty @ 9%

Vat @ 20%

Total cost around £3.02 per unit

It will be on sale shortly with JML for around £14.99 :wink:

Why would it be funny if it helped someone to throw straps over who couldn’t normally do it because of an injury disability etc.

Your twisting my words…

So to elaborate anyone without a disability would have no use for this product whatsoever but if the OP wants to market this product to the tiny proportion of people with a disibility that means they can’t throw a strap over a load then more power to him and I think it’s an excellent idea although whether he’ll make any money out of it is highly dubious.

Isnt that against H&S climbing on the back of the truck :question: :question:

Some of the new drivers that seem to be coming through would want them as throwing them over themselves is too much like hard work

ok tin hat

To be honest…
that video is not realistic at all, and shows a problem that doesnt exist, anyone with an ounce of sense would stand away from the truck to throw the strap over the roof.

I think you have designed and created a brilliant answer to a problem that simply doesnt exist.
In my honest opinion your market is tiny at best or non existant in reality

sorry to be blunt, but if there is a market for this I will eat my hat

This ^. All of it.

His so called hook in the handle off a paint roller.So might have patent problems.

When I first started this job I couldnt get the hang of throwing the straps over the load (dont have too much call for ratchets in that manner) but I was in Tesco Magor one day waiting for an empty trailer so went over and asked one of the pallet boys to show me the best way to get the straps over, he gave me a few pointers let me have a shot at it and now I have no worries in throwing a strap over a load. So I dont think there would be too much call for it unless its sold as an aid for a driver who has restricted movement in their shoulder so cant throw effectivly.

Make sure it’s nicely rolled up, hold the hook with your left hand and then with your right hand, thumb and forefinger on either side of the coil and with it in the palm of your hand, throw overarm from knee height in a straight arcing line keeping your right arm locked straight then once the strap hits the outside of the load, it will just roll the rest of the strap over to the other side then pull the hook down and attach. Voila.

Seven years in a pallet yard, I must have done this a million times plus. Was funny watching newbies try to do it though, some people could do it and and the odd person just couldn’t get it even after help.

What a stupid idea … I’m out

I used to be strapping 16ft loads all the while,never had a problem with it but not having thrown one in anger for about 8yrs and since breaking my right shoulder, I think I’d have trouble now. Whether that gadget would be helpful I don’t know but I can see it having limited use otherwise.