maritime transport.

iam an owner driver. finding it very hard to make it pay in europe. just been working for heritage on frigos . its a joke 300 quid awk for a trailer. and only ave 1500 quid and out that tolls and fuel. going to try maritime tommorow in leeds. never done contaianers before. ive been told to buy a thick book… cant be any worse than waiting for a ferry 6 times a wk.then waiting at rdc. anyway can anybody give me some good news on contaianers. thanks daz

Try sending a PM to tramper. I believe he had 3 wagons on for maritime and now he is down to 1 and not pulling for maritime.

He would be able to give you the ins and outs but the impression I get is that it doesn’t pay


Does this help ?

It says ERF not RAF:
Does this help ?

. thanks. ive been told i will get £1.12 p-mile . at 40t. it looks like they might be a truck forsale very soon

The best way to make money out of Maritime is to be an employee. They pay & treat their drivers well .The O/D thing these days is an expensive hobby. For UK operators, its over.

Are Maritime still advertising for owner drivers ? not surprised at all if they are as they’re crap.

T .The O/D thing these days is an expensive hobby. For UK operators, its over.

it’s ok if you can work in a specialist area :wink: trying to compete with the large logistics companies is a no no

prepare yourself for the rodgering of the year with the mighty ‘M’ branded on your ■■■. :open_mouth:

Just been flicking through this months Truck n Driver … Maritime advertises in every issue … as do other container Companies… I would love to give it a whirl . :slight_smile:

But i would have to go Employed… As said already the Owner operator on uk road haulage is dead in the water . unless you have a niche special market as i did… Too much cheap competition :cry: and rocketing fuel prices !!! :blush:
Maritime and the like are providing a service and that service has got to be competitive hence the rates paid to Subbies…

Ive always said if its advertised to death… its questionable if its any good !!!

Look at all adverts for Driving Instructing !!! Same scenario…different Industry…!!! :question: :question: :question:



It says ERF not RAF:
Does this help ?

. thanks. ive been told i will get £1.12 p-mile . at 40t. it looks like they might be a truck forsale very soon

is that there miles or tachograph miles

It’s their mileage, so will be very different to what it reads on the tacho!

their world is a weird little place full of strange calculations and unpleasant theories. A little like being buggered senseless by a Portugese welder who is also your gran.

I pulled for Maritime in the mid 90s. Isle of Grain was then a portacabin. Ieft Laser,s still with my ex Hercocks 112 after 7 years [soon learnt gv9 had become pg9]. Could earn some good money then. So many problems with the 112, i got a Eurostar on 3 year lease and my own CF slider all in their colours. That was when they had low cab Scanias and Eurotechs. The money was in twin ups just before the drawbars and combi,s took over. I spoke with some of the drivers i used to park with just over a year ago and i think all had moved on. I was on there around 7 years.

Found a few photo,s. All i need to do is try and make them a bit smaller.

Sorry about the size of the first photo,maybe someone can delate it.

when people say they get ex number of pounds per mile do they mean road miles ther and back to point of loading or is it stright line from loading to tipping point i find it is a bit vauge

Maritime pay per road mile, however, that is their mileage not yours. For example, a job from Southampton to Birmingham would go something like this…

Collect paperwork from Millbrook, travel 1 mile to the dock entrance , then another 2 miles to Pentalvers to get rid of the empty box you’ve already got on, and then another mile to the VBS lane, followed by another mile to the area required to load your next full box.
Travel to Birmingham, except it may not be Birmingham, it could be nearer Walsall or Wolverhampton, lets say around 92 miles. From there you get a back load or have to restitute the box in Oldbury, another 12 miles. Then its off back to Southampton, 89 mile away.
So, your Southampton to Birmingham and return is an actual distance of 198 miles, Maritime pay you on computer mileage, Southampton to Birmingham and return = 174 miles, leaving a deficite of 24 miles, which you have had to pay for with 0 return, which makes your 1.15 per mile worth considerably less.
They also offer a gauranteed payment of 1400 miles a week, this is in case you have a slack week and don’t do many miles. What actually happens is that the controllers run the first few motors ragged until they hit the gaurantee, and then leave then alone and concentrate on the next batch to get them up to the gaurantee, and so on and so forth until they have got everybody up to the 1400 mile mark, then the work thats left gets issued to who ever gets to the office first, or so they say. (What colour are your eyes?) if you get my meaning.
The other bug bear with the Maritime set up is trailer hire. Should you wish, Maritime will hire you a trailer at 100.00 per week. You are liable for all damage, including tyres (excluding wear) Have a blow out on a trailer you’ve just picked up, tough ■■■■■ mate.
No subcontractor is ever going to get rich working for Maritime (John William’s own words)
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the time we were with Maritime, the guys are really good, but the whole system is geared to give you just enough crumbs to keep you interested and coming back for more, but you aint ever going to be a rich guy. 2,000 a week is a pipe dream, average is more likely to be 1750 ish.
Good luck if you decide to go that route.