Maritime day work Felix

Any day drivers for maritime Felix here? Just wanted to know hours your doing and if you get stuck on night outs even when your on days ? Take home ? That sort of thing please

Anyone ?:slight_smile:

Never heard many good words for Maritime.
I understand that you can earn the Big Bucks but you’ve got to Max Out the hours to do it !

Friend of the wife’s, husband does nights 4pm-4am (I know not days) and takes home around £520 a week I believe. Far as I’m aware he doesn’t have an issue with them far as work load etc

I left last year but the day drivers were on £510 ish for 55 hrs 12 hr shifts as the motors night day. £50 is meal allowance so tax free. Reckon days you could take home £440-450. If you can put up with wearing pjs to work and reminding them what your name is every 2 days you might fit in :smiley:

Apart from being dark what’s the difference between day and night for container destinations ? Larger depots ? Less of something or just the same ? Not sure what to do atm if I venture container way.

Apart from being dark what’s the difference between day and night for container destinations ? Larger depots ? Less of something or just the same ? Not sure what to do atm if I venture container way.

Not maritime related but I was thinking the same thing. Looking at getting into containers here in liverpool and I know gold star are looking for night time drivers.

I got a drive assess next weekend with Goldstar, would proly go days 5 on 3 off with them, decent ot possibilities. If nights proly lean towards Maritime as its 4pm to 4am but that’s 5/2off.

I have a Cpl of friends on maritime Felixstowe both trampers tho and they are happy enuf there good money and kit the only thing they moan about is the cab hopping when you start or when your motor gets sold from underneath you without notice