Manual entries

Made a bit of an error this morning got a lift to another site first thing in a van tried to put a manual entry in but got it wrong ended up showing the whole weekend I have been off as work oops, had a look online seems the office should be able to change it back to rest anyone ever done this?

Neither the office nor you can change what’s been recorded on your driver card, do 2 printouts for today and write an explanation on them then sign them, hand one in when your card is downloaded and keep the other one with you in case you get stopped at a road-side check.

It shouldn’t be a big deal but you do need to do a printout to cover yourself.

Hi i did exactly the same thing the other week while i did input the weekend break i failed to confirm it ( got distracted )
did a print out made a manual entry handed it in when i booked off
Now… does the manual entry negate the mistake or just explain the mistake
as one of the companies i work for has an in house points scheme ( to do with orcs score ) which has penalised me for making this mistake and a couple of other minor ones as well this has now put me on the naughty step for a while until im deemed ok again which has annoyed the hell out of me as i dont think ive done anything particually wrong
i am currently waiting on printouts from them to check against my records to try and sort out.

When a mistake of this nature is made it’s made and cannot be undone, the printout explains that you made a mistake and was in fact on a rest period.

Hi i did exactly the same thing the other week while i did input the weekend break i failed to confirm it ( got distracted )
did a print out made a manual entry handed it in when i booked off
Now… does the manual entry negate the mistake or just explain the mistake
as one of the companies i work for has an in house points scheme ( to do with orcs score ) which has penalised me for making this mistake and a couple of other minor ones as well this has now put me on the naughty step for a while until im deemed ok again which has annoyed the hell out of me as i dont think ive done anything particually wrong
i am currently waiting on printouts from them to check against my records to try and sort out.

I’m no expert but I would think it doesn’t negate it but explain it. I would think the relevant company have a policy structure in place on what they deem acceptable and may well give you a bit of ‘slack’ if you’re new with them but you would still need to minimise mistakes, learn from the ones you make and make sure you don’t repeat or you could be out the door. OCRS is very important to any company so you could find yourself not being needed if you jeopardise their status on that.

If your company uses Tachomaster then they can overwrite certain data that has already been downloaded on your card, this won’t change the data that is written on your card but will overwrite the data stored on tachomaster. Always worth asking if they can do this so if the company is audited there is a correction of a messed up manual entry.

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Just don’t bother doing manual entries and then you will have no problems.

The only time I would consider doing them was if I got paid according to the tacho.

Just don’t bother doing manual entries and then you will have no problems.

The only time I would consider doing them was if I got paid according to the tacho.

And you wonder why corporate wasn’t for you mate! :laughing:
We have no choice at my firm as they want you to use the “?” to signify your daily rest.
All I can assume is the chimp that checks them needs it kept nice and simple… :cry:

had a look online seems the office should be able to change it back to rest anyone ever done this?

Imagine how much some companies out there would abuse that if they could change stuff on drivers cards. It would almost make having tachos pointless!

Planner: “yeah don’t worry about driving 7 hours solid to make this booking time, we will input a break for you when you get back in”