Manky steering wheel

What do you lot use to clean them?

Just got a hire motor, and we have it for 4 weeks until our new ones arrive, and the steering wheel is rank. As I have to pick my nose and scratch my balls, I don’t fancy the steering wheel remnants on either, so what is best to remove the crap off it?


Baby wipes…

Two of them and wrap it tightly around the wheel and then clean it.

W5 wipes from Lidl. Safe to use on your balls as well, as they do not contain bleach :stuck_out_tongue:

W5 wipes from Lidl. Safe to use on your balls as well, as they do not contain bleach :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldnt go that far. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Find a local garage with a coin operated jet wash like Tebay Junction 38 truck stop has, then give a hot wash blast all over the wheel, job done .

Use alcohol wipes. Make sure they’re high alcohol content, like 70%. Nothing else will work as well.
You’ll be amazed at the amount of black nastiness that comes off.

Always worth having something like these in your bag. Very popular with bus drivers who have to take over a vehicle mid shift and handle money. … 4381&psc=1

Use alcohol wipes. Make sure they’re high alcohol content, like 70%. Nothing else will work as well.
You’ll be amazed at the amount of black nastiness that comes off.

Lots of alcohol…
…and a box of Swan Vestas

Flash magic eraser and a bowl of warm water will do the job.

W5 wipes from Lidl. Safe to use on your balls as well, as they do not contain bleach :stuck_out_tongue:

But before, not after you’ve done the wheel with it. :smiley:

W5 wipes from Lidl. Safe to use on your balls as well, as they do not contain bleach :stuck_out_tongue:

Not E5 wipes from Texaco? - They don’t contain bleach either, but then again - neither did Trump’s speech that supposdely said “we should inject it”…

If it was just a one off I’d wear gloves. Cleaned up crap too many times, am now sick of being an unpaid valeting service for lazy scumbags.

Spray multi surface cleaner which kills 99% of germs over everything you’re gonna touch in a lorry then use baby wipes. That’s what i used to do when i was cab hopping on night trunk. I only do it now if i the night mechanic has been in the unit which is allocated to me for tramping

is your boss aware he’s paying for the hire of a ■■■■ tip ? Last time I informed a boss of the state of the spot hire lorry that arrived , he came out , took one look and rang the hire company & told them to come & fetch there lorry back & send one that clean & tidy , they did
Why the bloody hell would you pay to hire something then pay / and clean it yourself , that’s there bloody job , what next get the dents / paint defects done for them at your expense, beyond belief

Showing my age, but when I did trunking for Eden Vale on Dairy out of Bristol some years ago, I always took a can of Jizer degreaser for the steering wheel, gear lever & anything else I had to touch with bare hands, and Pledge polish for the rest.

The fleet was a mix of Sed Atkis & ERfs, maintained well, but very few cleaned the cabs and they were minging & greasy.

Being mainly an owner driver I didn’t leave to do my run(s) until I had cleaned the cab, and didn’t knock off until I had cleaned the cab for the next man.

The exception to the rule were four F12s on contract hire, they were always immaculate, it suggests to me that give a man a decent motor and he will look after it, give him crap & he will treat it like crap

Eden Vale Bristol, was there a Sainsbury’s depot there in the Hanham area years ago?
You probably worked out of the dairy in Oldford Frome , with several companies such as MMB and Unigate among many others.
It used to be an Arla depot, bulk farm, milk tankers to Hatfield North London for the punishment bay if you were late, a blind side reverse with clutch burn out !
Or a trunk run to the Midlands or supermarket milk cage delivery for Asda .

Yes, used to load Yoghurt in Frome for all over, furthest North we went was drop & swap somewhere around Heaton.
Did the odd bulk milk trunking which made a nice change.
Not a bad job, the night runs to the local distribution centres around Dorset and Hampshire were pretty good, hardly any traffic, but I guess we weren’t that popular in the villages roaring through with a ■■■■■■■ or Rolls at 3am :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The best thing is a chemical called surfex hd Mixed with water in a spray bottle, agitate with a detailing brush and then wipe off. Brings up even the manliest interiors like brand new

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