
is this website monitored by parties with a vested interest which is not in the best interest of truckers?
when a pro union-posting is made there always seem to be well researched or bellicose replies trying to discredit them.
Not a troll or conspiracy theorist, genuinely interested

Not sure that I would agree with the ‘well researched’ comment. Most seem to harp on about things that happened 40/50 years ago in a different world.
Certainly it is true that there are very different views as to the benefits / problems with unions.
It is a fact though that after a long period of declining union membership, there has been a turn around and now unions are growing their membership again.
This is possibly down to the continued lack of employment and the realisation that more and more workers rights and benefits are under threast. i.e. tribunals etc which are currently undergoing massive ‘reforms’.
Usually these reforms are hidden under the banner of cutting red tape in order to disguise their actual intent.
I think also that more are beginning to realise that the unions of 60’s and 70’s are a thing of the past.
As to wether this forum has an ulterior motive, I have no idea!

It’s the fact that the union strength of the 1960’s/early 70’s is a thing of the past which is the problem.It’s difficult to see how joing the present day neutered idea of ‘unions’ can make the slightest difference in the case of examples like tribunal ‘reforms’ etc etc or to get wage levels back where they were then in real terms compared to prices.All the government and employers need to say is this is how it’s going to be and if you don’t like it what are you going to do about it.Bearing in mind that the idea of organising a general strike is likely to be met by both the use of the courts in regard to secondary action,the army in respect of so called essential jobs,and strike breakers in the form of workers who think that Thatcher was the best thing that ever happened to the country in addition to immigrant labour etc.The fact is if the US unions couldn’t keep things going in the right direction for the working classes there then the Brits have got no chance. :unamused:

On the subject of posts which aren’t in the interests of drivers or the road transport industry as a whole you only need to see how many pro rail freight and pro cyclist interest group posts get on here whenever the subject of drivers ending up at the wrong end of a dangerous driving charge because of the actions of the stupid cyclist majority.Or jobs in the road transport industry being lost because of the government policy in switching freight from road to rail,to see that.