Mandatory masks no more, but still 'required'?


Will it now come under a ‘site rules’ type thing? Like having your hi-viz tabard done up at all times etc

My lot still say wear them/haven’t taken the signs down yet so that’s what I do. It’s their trains set and I’m only in an area where they say it must be worn for five mkns at the start of a shift and five mins at the end so no biggie.

Yeah but…they can’t pick and chose what covid crap they want to keep. If they want to keep masks, then why not keep furlough and self isolation full pay as it was during lockdown 1? We’re either in the midst of a deadly pandemic or we’re not :grimacing: My employer requiring me to wear a face covering is to me no different than if they were to ask me to wear a purple skirt on top of my work pants. Arbitrary and unlawful. Unless mandated by the HSE like hi viz and safety shoes are then I’ll ignore it as in my understanding there’s no legal basis for them to require it even if it’s their site/building.

And yes I’m sick of looking like a red faced alcoholic due to the spots on both sides of my nose. It’s bad enough I have dark eye circles due to working nights for the last 3 years

Employers can specify workwear. Nothing illegal in that.

You`ve got spots around your nose?
If you have a pretty coloured washable cloth mask try a different detergent, or better still an approved disposable mask, and change it often. (It is unlikely that you are allergic to your own breath after all)

You dont want to look like a red nosed alcoholic? Carefully arrange a large tube of EvoStik poking out of your top pocket. No one will think youre an alki then.


Face masks are recommended in enclosed spaces, is that not indoors?

No they’re not. There’s no legal requirement for them anymore in England as of 00:00hrs Thursday.

I never said a legal requirement, just recommended for enclosed spaces.

Will it now come under a ‘site rules’ type thing? Like having your hi-viz tabard done up at all times etc

My lot still say wear them/haven’t taken the signs down yet so that’s what I do. It’s their trains set and I’m only in an area where they say it must be worn for five mkns at the start of a shift and five mins at the end so no biggie.

make sure they are provided for you you have no legal responsibility to purchase them anymore in england… just being arsy pickie of course


Will it now come under a ‘site rules’ type thing? Like having your hi-viz tabard done up at all times etc

My lot still say wear them/haven’t taken the signs down yet so that’s what I do. It’s their trains set and I’m only in an area where they say it must be worn for five mkns at the start of a shift and five mins at the end so no biggie.

make sure they are provided for you you have no legal responsibility to purchase them anymore in england… just being arsy pickie of course

Are you sure?
An employer must provide Personal Protection Equipment, yes.
An employer can also specify what you are required to wear at work. Uniforms etc. They are not obliged to pay for that. Right or wrong that seems to be the law. Waiting and bar staff are sometimes required to wear their own white shirts, black trousers etc. … nal%20sets.

Since masks are no longer a legal safety obligation…then the employer isn`t obliged to provide or pay for them?

I`m absolutely ready to be corrected, and am not saying this is a good thing, but that is how I read it.

A face mask will be classed as PPE not as uniform as it provides protection to you and others from a viral illness. Therefore company pays.

A face mask will be classed as PPE not as uniform as it provides protection to you and others from a viral illness. Therefore company pays.

I agree that would be sensible.

What relation “sensible” has to any law is anyone`s guess? :smiley:



Nearly there again:

The simple way around it is when challanged as to why you are not wearing a mask, you declare that you are medically exempt. They are not allowed to query your medical issue. And you do not need a lepers bell around your neck.
I played this card at a British Sugar site in the first lockdown. The lad ran off to squeel to his manager and he came back later with tail between legs mumbling that all was fine and he was not allowed to ask what was wrong with me! It all seemed a bit daft at the time as we were working outdoors within our small team of installers and were segregated from any British Sugar worker.

I bet they all clapped for you when you swaggerd in with your nuts that are so large you need a wheel barrow once you waddle out the cab.

The sas missed a trick by not getting a hard man like you to join

westons cider by any chance

Nah more like special brew, the bloke is obviously an keyboard tramp!

Come on is that all you have got you paranoid mentalist.

You have branded me a alcoholic when I do not consume any alcoholic drinks and for the recored neither do I partake it illegal drugs.

Balls in your court you tin foil wearing mentalist


Will it now come under a ‘site rules’ type thing? Like having your hi-viz tabard done up at all times etc

My lot still say wear them/haven’t taken the signs down yet so that’s what I do. It’s their trains set and I’m only in an area where they say it must be worn for five mkns at the start of a shift and five mins at the end so no biggie.

make sure they are provided for you you have no legal responsibility to purchase them anymore in england… just being arsy pickie of course

I’ve got tens of company branded ones given out willy nilly and on request so provision is cool.

Tbh I quite like wearing them as I don’t like people so if people think I’m weird and avoid me… bonus.

Also like the fact that my profanity is covered, like when I was calling a manager a ‘c’ word under my breath for mildly annoying me - I got the satisfaction of an abusive release without the consequence of it at the end… bonus

if you cut across the front of the mask with a craft knife youll never notice youve got it on.

Just dont cut it whilst it’s on yer face :laughing: :laughing:

Nearly there again:
Come on is that all you have got you paranoid mentalist.

You have branded me a alcoholic when I do not consume any alcoholic drinks and for the recored neither do I partake it illegal drugs.

Balls in your court you tin foil wearing mentalist

Ho ho, I touched the nerve…I win!!

Ffs how hard is it to put a mask on , I bet you make a song & dance about having a shave & dressing in the morning , pathetic

:laughing: Think of the advantages in wearing a mask, your average driver isn’t the most prettiest of folk and a mask does cover half your face, so what’s not to like. I’m keeping mine on all the while :laughing:


Nearly there again:
Come on is that all you have got you paranoid mentalist.

You have branded me a alcoholic when I do not consume any alcoholic drinks and for the recored neither do I partake it illegal drugs.

Balls in your court you tin foil wearing mentalist

Ho ho, I touched the nerve…I win!!

It’s the only thing your touching except yourself


if you cut across the front of the mask with a craft knife youll never notice youve got it on.

Just dont cut it whilst it’s on yer face :laughing: :laughing:

Those “clever and cool ones” who wear a mask down below their chin, might see that as bossing them about? And do the opposite.
Prepare for more candidates for the “Darwin Awards”!