Man tgx intermittent air leak?

Hi irritating intermittent air leak on a 60 plate tgx 6x2 its leaking back thru the compressor air intake via the air filter draining the tanks,but every time we get it over the pit to have a look it wont leak thinking maybe air drier but this was changed on a recall less than a yr ago ■■? wish it would either stop or keep pixxxxsin out…any others had a similar prob■■?

Valve failure in the air compressor, making the air already in the pipe between compressor and air drier to leak back into intake until the pressure equaliser? If so, new compressor head, if one is available

Cant leak back through compressor unless multi protection valve has failed.

How long does it leak for? Till the tanks or empty or just for 20 seconds after turning off?

How long does it leak for? Till the tanks or empty or just for 20 seconds after turning off?

yes its the compressor came in leaking the other night,undid the pipe joiner to the dryer when switched off and it stopped leaking when the air b4 the dryer was gone gonna try a head kit this week when I get a chance it also wasn’t leaking once the compressor has blown off on full tanks but that’s hard to maintain on them MANS they are so slow to build up.

Sounds like it needs a new head

Fitted head kit today,nothing obvious to cause a leak slight carbon build up on a delivery valve ,fingers crossed

Here’s hoping it’s cured it