MAN TGX 26.D20 Help Needed

Hello everyone.

I own a grain processing company, and recently bought a MAN TGX 26.D20.
It got delivered to our site and now we are looking for a driver.

The thing is that I am a person which likes to know a little bit of all, so at the moment I am trying to look for a manual on what does each button do, and what does each light on the dashboard mean.
Regarding the lights on the dashboard I found a manual but it does not contain all the lights for my case.

If somebody could help me by directing me to where should I start, I would be more than thankful.

Also for example at the moment we need to exchange the hydraulic oil for the trail, but no idea where is the reservoir.

I am ready to pay if I have to in order to get my hands on these books.





Not sure if this will be any help, but it’ll get you in the right area. … Qx6BAgKEAE

■■■■■■■■! Wrong link pasted. Just Google it mate, I found an owners manual within minutes. Good luck.

Where are you located?

the nodding donkey:
Where are you located?

Guessing as it’s lhd, somewhere in the foreign.

It started out in Moldova, according to that document in the picture.