MAN 18.290 TGM 2013 MANUAL

Hello fellow members.
Can anybody point me in the right direction for buying a owners manual/handbook for the above vehicle please?

You need manuals? MAN dealer probably your best bet as most get binned. Can’t recall ever having read a manual for a truck despite being agency and going in pretty much everything and anything.

You need manuals? MAN dealer probably your best bet as most get binned. Can’t recall ever having read a manual for a truck despite being agency and going in pretty much everything and anything.

At 64 years old & drove HGV’s for 40 odd years & owned lorries for the majority of that time & drove most every truck on the road i have always found it handy to have a manual due to the fact that nobody can possibly know everything about a truck & also very handy to have when a driver who has not driven that particular truck before takes it & even with been shown the controls you always wonder what certain buttons/switches are for.