Hi all,
The maintenance planner on the wall plans ahead for 6 months (got rest of year up as its January and a year planner). Is there any obligation to keep the old wall chart, or can it just be thrown out?? My boss insists it should be kept for 15 months, but as far as I can see, it’s only purpose is to ‘plan ahead’ and doesn’t need storing…
We do keep all maintenance records, defect notes, and inspection records etc. for 15 months in a vehicle file, but do old planners need keeping??
No, it’s not a requirement but just fold it up and stash it with your archived records for that year. The more it looks like you do things properly if you ever do have your old records looked into the better.
I always say the more you have in your transport office the more they have to to go through and more chance of spotting errors. Get rid and just keep the legal requirements